Chapter 21

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Grab your tissues y'all. Might feel bad for Azazel.


"His mother was...a witch. His father was a human, normal human. They met in college. It was simple, even though his mother didn't find his father attractive at first. He (Azazel) says that she told him that after time passed by his father's good attitude, smile and his nature to be cold from the exterior but still care for others made him attractive for her (Azazel's mother) . Azazel says he remembers his parents to be the most in love couple he's seen. I've heard that Azazel was once a kind hearted, soft spoken kid. Even though I don't believe it because I have never seen him like that. He told me that everything was going perfect. But he came" Fenriz's eyes were almost bloodshot at this point.

"He, former Alpha King. Asmodeus. He saw her one day and all hell broke loose. She was his mate and it was his worst fate. The stories you hear about mates and them being in love and a perfect couple are bullshit. It was  never that way. He wasn't in some love or some shit. Their lunatic brains were washed with the fact that the moment you meet your mate. She should open her legs for you and that she should love them only and deserve to be happy only with them, if she doesn't then she has committed a sin. They believed and taught the same thing to all she-wolves. But, when he saw his mate happy apart from him, it burned him and his fucking belief and ego. He never thought there could be a chance that his mate didn't want him. So, he abducted her, tortured her emotionally and physically, blackmailed her until until she said that she loved him and was ready to be with him. Azazel's father was a mere human who couldn't see his wife in pain and died the day Asmodeus raped her in front of him. Do you know why she agreed to love him and be with him? Because that bastard wanted to kill Azazel calling him a weak mutt and blackmailed her. When she accepted him. He threw Azazel to the guards who disposed him as if a garbage. After that day Azazel changed. He just wanted one thing and that was to free his mother from the clutches of Asmodeus. He started training but that wasn't enough. He knew he had to be one of them to kill them and for that he met a Dark Witch. He knew about witchcraft since small age because of his mother. For becoming a werewolf he had to do heinous acts and sacrifices. But, without second thoughts he did that. Nothing mattered for that 8 year old Azazel than his mother. It took him 3 years to become a werewolf and gain powers. When he did become one, he had to live like rogues and that's when I met him. I was thrown out of my pack because I resisted for my best friend lily to whom they were teaching that the moment she sees her mate, it's her duty to submit to him that's what she-wolves are for and she resisted the idea and as a punishment they were going execute her saying "her mate didn't deserve this ungrateful brat" and I tried to stop them from killing her so they abandoned me from my pack. I was a rogue too but seeing my malnourished, beaten self, he took me in. He shared the one sandwich he had or the one blanket he had to survive. That day I swore my life to him. I helped him with the ways to reach moon where Alpha King's Palace was. Everything was planned we just needed his mom. I remember when we sneak in, masking our scents as servants. I was hiding behind the pillar as I kept my eyes around to see if anyone was coming. Not long until, I heard footsteps. I look up to see it was only Azazel I furrowed my brows asking him about his mom and he said "She's dead Fenriz. She was dead the day he took her. I was a fool" I couldn't speak anything. This boy with whom I had been for a year, I knew he loved his mother then why would he say that. I kept my mute knowing that he needed space. The last time I looked at her, she looked glowing but her lip had marks and her chest had hickeys all over what shocked me more was the smile she had on her face as she talked... to a three year old pup... Who was clearly.. Asmodeus's blood. That day I didn't see him cry. That day I saw birth of a new Azazel, the one who never laughed, speak or showed emotions. The one who had little or no purpose left to live. Fast forward to 10 years later, we are living just okay. One normal night, I go to sleep as Azazel does the same. That night I didn't have a peaceful sleep. I don't know there was just a feeling that something wasn't right and then I hear a awful scream I rush to Azazel's room and what I see left me shocked. There's Azazel with tears in his eyes as he's mumbling something in his sleep. I can't figure anything out. I pat his head trying to get him to wake up. But, he doesn't and keeps crying and mumbling things as if he wasn't on the bed but somewhere else. I was so scared I couldn't tell what was happening. Minutes of hear him yell I see his hands in the air gripping on someone as if trying to stop them. They he yells and sits up yelling and screaming while tears flow out of his eyes.

"Mom! She...she... didn't....betray me. I... I... She... Needed... She needed me... I failed... I fucking... I fucking failed... She... That Asmodeus.. She went... She... She... She died..."

He cried. I couldn't make out any of his words. He kept crying the whole night, didn't sleep, didn't eat just kept muttering about his mother. Morning came and his eyes had no tears left to cry.

"He did wrong. He did wrong. M.. Mom....didn't deserve to.. Die"

Perplexed I asked him who he was talking about to which his eyes turned golden and he answered

"Damon" with such rage, hatred in his eyes.  The next day I understood what happened as I approached a Dark Witch she told me before a witch dies she can go and talk to a person and show them visions of her life if she wants.

She had went to Azazel. She showed him the reality of the day when we went to the castle. She knew Asmodeus was watching her and that he could kill Azazel. So she told Azazel that he was a mistake and that she loved Asmodeus. She asked him to leave that day. But, after he went away. She broke down as Asmodeus patted her head and told her that this was a right choice. She showed him that vision and in the next vision. It showed him how she poisoned Asmodeus and killed him and took her revenge." Fenriz took a pause to contain his emotions.

"H-how she died? " Aira couldn't believe this. She thought he was just a Sadist who wanted to kill her for Damon's power. Moreover how his mother died if she killed Asmodeus because as far as she knows if one mate dies then other dies too but not if they are humans or witches. She knew that. Then how did Azazel's mother die.

"Damon killed her"

Aira's breath hitched when she heard this. What? Why did Damon kill his own mother?

"Why? " she couldn't control herself from asking it.

"Mates live for each other, love each other, care for each other, protect each other and....

"And..? "

"Die for each other too. So if they don't. Someone else mostly the other male wolf of family kills them. Because they believe that she-wolves and other females are born for their mates and should die for them and with them"


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