Chapter 25

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This chapter gets confusing at the end so please read the author's note.


"Azazel " Fenriz yelled as he saw the bullet pierce through his heart. Fenriz who's shoulder was still bleeding heavily, got up and hugged Azazel who's body was about to hit the ground roughly.

Aira who's eyes didn't even soften at the sight of Azazel just stared at Damon who's eyes were still looking at her obsessively. His breathing was getting slower but he just stared at her as he tried to pick the gun again but couldn't because he was weak. He was helpless.

The way she was once.

Tears of happiness rolled out of her eyes when she sensed him taking his last breaths. She looked at him and giggled mockingly even though her lungs were hurting. She smiled as her nose started bleeding.

"I hate you! "

She muttered before closing her eyes for the greater good.


Everything around her was black. She could hear murmurs around her and soft beeping noise too. She opened her eyes to be met with the sight of a hospital room.

It was a miracle how she was still alive.

Wasn't it her end yet. What's happening? Her mind wondered. But the thought of Fenriz stuck her mind and she looked around to see some nurses talking.

She pressed the bell at the bedside to get their attention. Which it did. The nurses came rushing in. Something was odd about them. They weren't tall and skinny like most werewolf females are. She found it odd but shrugged it off.

The nurse rushed in and before the nurse could say anything. Aira asked about Fenriz and the nurse quickly asked her assistant or the other nurse whoever she is to tell Fenriz that Aira was awake.

Aira heaved a sigh of  relief. First, she didn't really like him. Still she liked the fact he was blunt, he didn't say something which he won't do. He didnt give her hopes. He was truthful. Most importantly he didn't betray her and that somehow gained him a place in her heart as a friend.

So, she did remember about Azazel being shot but didn't care enough to ask about him. Because, yes she doesn't hate him or hold grudges for him because what he did was because he loved his mum.

But, that doesn't justify his actions. That doesn't justify him leaving her in a room full of pedophiles who stared at her in the most disgusting way possible, that even there one stare could send chills of disgust and uneasiness down your spine.

She could forgive him for everything else but not that. That day, those touches, those eyes,  those hands, their hands on her skin.

She can forgive him. But, can't forget it

Within 5 minutes of her thinking she was tackled in a bear hug. She flinched and moved back. It was Fenriz she knew but with all the werewolves being assholes she can't help but maintain a bit of distance.

Fenriz eyes which were sparkling like a baby seeing candy immediately dimmed out but he just gave her a awkward smile and moved back before giving her a smile again.

"Thank God you are okay. I was so worried. You human female always trouble with these weird emotions I have never had." he laughed at his own comment.

Aira didn't really get the humor in it so she just rolled her eyes at him at which Fenriz gasped dramatically.

"Hey you! Human how dare yaa not laugh at my joke" he said with his one hand in the air and other on the chest potraying heart break at which Aira laughed.

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