Chapter 9

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"Why. Did. You. Do. This? " she snarled in a low, cold yet dominating voice.

"What did I do? Apart from getting our pup to sleep?! " he said trying to touch her but she rose her hand and glared at him.

"How can you? Do you have anything as empathy? You fucking DARE TO HURT MY BROTHER! . I can have two people walking over me and stomping me to death but I can't tolerate anyone touching a single strand of his hair. And what did you say pup? "

"I didn't hurt him, mate. He is your pup which makes him my pup too. Why will I hurt our pup? "

"Stop lying you fucking monster. You hurt him. You hurt a 7 year old child? How heartless can you be! I can't take this anymore. I AIRA SINHA REJECT ALPHA KING DAMON KNIGHT" she said in one go as her nose was a little bit red due to the amount of anger she had suppressed in her.

A humongous growl left his mouth as his wolf took over him. But, then he started whimpering sadly. Aira was gulping seeing the bipolar behavior of Damon. She quickly took a step back but in a split of second she was shoved in a rock hard chest.

"Mate, Do you think you have the right to reject me? No, you don't. All I want from you is YOU. I love you like no one has ever loved someone. I just want to be a good mate for you. Feed you, Care for you, Dress you, Pleasure you. But, you still resist me and the Holy bond we share. Just because of some humans have brainwashed you, I won't let you disrespect our bond. You are mine. You'll be mine for eternal. Now, I not let you get away from anything. You'll obey me or else I WILL KILL YOUR BROTHER"

"You c-can't d-do t-that. I h-hate y-you" she cried as his grip on her was deadly tight. But, what scared her more was that he smiled...not a normal smile. A smile like he was psycho.

"I don't care. I love you and that's enough. Now mate let's go you won't be seeing your brother till you accept me, mate" he said as he held her in his arms and walked to their castle ignoring her cries of pleas.


"I will not eat" she said throwing the plate in his hands away. Her heart ached. He is a beast. How could her brother survive him. It was all her fault. It was her fault.

Damon took a deep breathe and opened his mind link.

"break a finger of your Luna's brother, Beta"

"A-are you sure, King? "

"NO! " Aira yelled. He had deliberately kept the mind link open for her to hear him.

"Why mate? Does it hurt? It hurts to see the person you love suffer? Then, HOW? HOW CAN I SEE YOU SUFFER, MATE? " he growled angrily as he sinked his canines in his mark making her scream out loud in pain. But, she didn't think of her pain but her brothers pain.

As he left her she fell on the ground, kneeling before him with lifeless eyes shedding tears.

"Please don't hurt him. Hurt me if you want." she begged pathetically. He smiled in victory as he lowered himself to ground. He caressed her knees which must be hurt due to her falling. He kissed her knees.

"I will NEVER hurt you, mate. I love you" he said caressing her thighs.

"P-please let H-hriday g-go. D-don't h-hurt h-him" she pleaded.

"I never touched him, mate. I told you he is my pup too. The guy who dared to touch him which caused you to be angry and reject me is now dead" he said bitterly emphasizing on rejecting part and making himself believe that she didn't meant to reject him but was angry.

"d-dead? " she stuttered as her heart beat rose up.

"Yes mate. Anyone who comes in between us has to die. Because of him you got angry on me and uttered nonsense about rejecting me. So, I killed him. Anyone who comes in between us will die. No one can come in between us."

Her body trembled in fear. He just killed someone with the same hands that were caressing her gently. He thinks because of that guy she rejected him. He is delusional. Tears started to flow from her eyes as her body was trembling she tried to get away from him. He frowned and quickly held her more tight and patted her head.

"Don't cry mate. Don't be scared. He got what he deserved. You don't worry. See you need me, my beautiful mate. You get scared so easily, how will you survive alone, mate. You need me, mate just like I need you. That's why As long as you are with me, you are safe. My beautiful, naive mate. Only mine"


She felt someone licking her face and she opened her eyes to a red-eyed Damon. She flinched at the sight but managed to keep calm.


"L-Lucifer? " she stuttered.

"Mate, I feel pain. Why mate reject? Mate, don't like us? But we love mate. We always love mate. Mate is beautiful. Why mate not like us? " he said nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck. She felt disgusted when he licked her cheek. She immediately pushed him away. But, when she saw his eyes turning. She knew she made a wrong move. She quickly ran away from the room.

She didn't know where she was going she just hide herself behind a door.

"Mate, where are you? Me and Lucifer are getting restless. You know we can't live a second without seeing you, touching you, breathing your sweet scent. I guess I need to pay that pup a visit--"

That's it. She was ready to go back but she was pulled back by a hand and she was surprised to see a girl. The girl handed a chit in her hand. Before, Aira could ask her anything. She was tugged back to a hard chest of Damon. She gulped.

"Caught you mate"


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