⋆Chapter 17 ⋆

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Trigger Warning:


"Ophelia, I do need to talk to you after class," Tom Hiddleson says. I look up over my computer and nod at him. The class is over. Ever since the incident, Professor Hiddleston has left me alone. He hasn't even looked at me and I have been getting straight A's in his class- yes I did put the work in too. I barely nod my head and look back at my computer.

-Mr. Hiddleston wants me after class, please save me- I text Sebastian, whose contact is changed to 'Daddy' so no one questions it.

-did he give you any idea what it was about? Don't worry baby, I will get you out of that mess- he sends back within seconds. I smile to myself at the pet name.

-I will send you a help text if I need you to walk through the doors- I send.

Tom's throat clears and my smile drops as I look at him. He is looking at me like he is trying to figure out what I was thinking. He has his eyebrows furrowed and his head tilting. I mimic him but keep my hands on my computer.

"You are the best in the class, and I was wondering if you would tutor a student that is not doing so well. I only ask because he went to tutoring already and he is still failing. I would give you extra credit, but I understand if I don't have enough time," He says slowly, almost too slow.

"Who is the student?" I ask.

"Mr. Holland," Professor Hiddleston says. I furrow my eyebrows knowing that couldn't be true. Holland is one of the best in Sebastian's class- so I thought- and Sebastian's class is harder than Hiddleston's.

"I will talk to him," I say closing my computer and slipping it in my bag. "Was there anything else you wanted to say?" I ask as I stand up and put my bag over my shoulder.

"I am proud of how well you are doing in my class," He says. I nod my head and offer a small smile to him.

"Thank you, Professor Hiddleston," I say walking out of the classroom. Sebastian is waiting outside the classroom -like usual. He raises his eyebrow at me and I furrow mine at him.

"Trec o graniță aici, dar Olanda nu-ți dă cursul?" (I am crossing a boundary here, but is Holland failing your class?) I say as I walk closer and dropping my voice when I say Holland's name. Sebastian furrows his eyebrows and looks around to see if anyone heard. He opens the classroom door and I walk in.

"El este în fruntea clasei, chiar sub tine. De ce?" (He is top of the class, right under you. Why?) Sebastian responds crossing his arms. I got that answer a little too quickly, I thought I would have to beg him.

"De ce mi-ar cere Hiddleston să-l instruiesc pentru că eșuează." (Why would Hiddleston ask me to tutor him because he is failing.) I say. I start to walk back and forth trying to conclude something.

"Poate, poate chiar eșuează?" (Maybe, just maybe he actually is failing?). Sebastian says chuckling. I stop walking and look up at him with a look of confusion. He didn't understand how weird this is, maybe I am crazy and overthinking this once again. But it just doesn't make sense. I walk over and sit my bag down at my usual desk. I lean against it and watch as Sebastian walks to his desk.

"clasa ta este de zece ori mai grea. Mă simt foarte rău în legătură cu asta." (your class is ten times harder. I get a really bad feeling about this.) I say trying to think again. I know for a fact I am overreacting now. I can't help it though. Every glance between Sebastian and me in class makes me panic that someone has realized what is happening.

"Ophelia, calmează-te. Doar vorbeste cu el." (Ophelia, calm down. Just talk to him.) Sebastian says with a serious tone, a tone that brought me back to how stupid I probably look. I tilt my head

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