Moments like these

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As always Johnny was stuck late at work trying to reduce the pile of work on his desk if only a little bit so he doesn't have to stay back again tomorrow which sounded like an utter lie no matter how much he tried to convince himself. Taking a small glance at the time on his phone he instantly flinches when he sees the number 21(9pm) on the screen and the hundreds of text messages his sons had sent him, and by sons he meant Donghyuck. Mark rarely ever texted or called him, if at all and it was always to ask him to buy him something. Johnny reluctantly got up from the swivel chair making his way out of the glass doors of his office, every other person who worked on that floor long gone all except taeyong who had his eyes glued to the computer screen looking over Johnny's schedule for tomorrow. Although he never asks taeyong to stay behind longer than he needs to the blonde male refuses to leave before his boss for reasons Johnny can't understand.

"Do you not have a life?" Johnny asks leaning his arm on the wooden desk peering down at the shorter male who looks up from his screen with a confused look on his face as he stutters out a small "Can I choose not to answer that question?" a soft smile coming over his features.

"Are you leaving?" Taeyong asks this time, his hands going back to completing the task they were previously doing. "Yes" the taller male says before looking back at the concentration on his assistant's face, that rarely left his face during the work hours or ever, so far as Johnny is aware. "You should leave too" Johnny announces before making his way towards the elevator a few meters away.

"I will" Taeyong responded not taking his eyes off the screen. "You do enough already. Go home" Johnny says with a finality in his tone as he presses the down button of the elevator "You should give yourself a break sometimes" he added looking at the increasing numbers that were being displayed. "So should you" the other male retorted earning a small chuckle in return followed with the ding of the elevator.

"Its too late for me" Johnny says with a blunt expression on his face making a small laugh erupt from taeyong's side. The elevator door came to a close as both men wished each other good night, silence taking over once again making Johnny feel unusually lonely. After a considerable amount of time had passed the doors finally open again the sound of his shoes reverberating in the entire floor as he walked past the night guard on his way out towards his car that was parked a few ways away.

As Johnny stepped out of the building tipping the guard standing at the door as he always, his attention was diverted when someone bumped into his left shoulder muttering a small "Sorry" before making their way towards the elevator that he had just come from. He felt like he had seen that person somewhere before but he couldn't quite place where or when, maybe they worked under him, he wasn't sure and his very tired self couldn't care less at that moment choosing to ignore his curiosity as he made his way to his car.

The traffic on the way back was much lesser than Johnny had expected it to be which led to him arriving in less then thirty minutes and even though he was still parked outside his house he could hear the commotion inside and silently braced himself for the chaos that are his kids. His eyes fall on his phone screen as it illuminates indicating the arrival of a text message. He planned to ignore it until he noticed the contact's name on top of the text instantly leaping towards his cellphone and quickly typing in his code to read the text sent by a certain 5'7 thai male who had been lingering in the other mind for the entire day not that he would care to admit that.


Thank you

I need to book a dentist appointment now

I may or may not have eaten them in a single sitting

The messages were followed by a selfie of a smiling ten with an empty box of chocolates in his hand. It wasn't much but it made Johnny's heart hurt strangely as he looked at the picture that he had been sent almost unable to take his eyes off it as he took in the, in his opinion blinding smile that adorned ten's face. Opening the front door to the house he is met with yelling, a very tired looking xiaojun and mark who had his entire focus trained on his PSP. He breathed out a deep sigh as he put his phone in his back pocket and walking towards the living room where xiaojun was trying to calm down Donghyuck who seemed far too energetic and chaotic for how late it was. His tantrums weren't something new and Johnny was more than used to them by now that being said he could live without it.

"Donghyuck, that's quite enough" Johnny called out with a firm a final voice the kind he only ever used when he was angry or when he needs to get his kids to listen to him. Donghyuck who was previously yelling and throwing a tantrum about something instantly quieted down mumbling a small "Sorry" before sitting down on the sofa.

"Thank you" Johnny mockingly said as he grabbed the game out of Mark's hand situating himself right in the middle of the two of them before addressing them. "I think its time to go to bed now" he said giving a look at his watch as his kids threw a small fit. "There's still 15 minutes left to bed time" Donghyuck argued as he grouchily tried to stomp his feet that didn't quite reach the floor. "Well then you can use those 15 minutes to brush your teeth and change into your pajamas. Go on"

The two of them shared a look of dismay as they both made their way upstairs. "Can I at least finish that level" Mark said trying to grab the game from Johnny's hand above his reach. "You can finish it tomorrow. No go to bed" Johnny watched as a grumpy Mark walked upstairs to his room taking heavy steps on purpose to show his disapproval.

"Sorry for keeping you so late" Johnny said turning towards the only other person in the room as he dropped the game in his hand on the couch where Mark was previously sitting. "What are you talking about? You're earlier than usual" Xiaojun stated grabbing his belongings from where they were scattered all over the floor. "Was there a fire?" Xiaojun added making his way towards the door ready to call it a day. "Funny" Johnny replied with a straight face as heard a soft giggle fall out of Xiaojun's lips as he bid him goodbye receiving a wave from him in return.

Johnny was used to Donghyuck coming into room and slipping in beside him at night, to the feeling of tiny arms and legs thrown callously over his body as the 9-year-old drifted to sleep in a mere few seconds. What he wasn't used to though was waking up in the middle of the night to hear someone crying outside his bedroom door. Now Johnny wasn't one for bravado, if he lived in that house alone, he would have bolted out the window but seeing that the crying might be one of the kids he braved himself to open the door to his bedroom to see Donghyuck sitting on the wooden floor hugging his head pillow while weeping into it.

"What's wrong?" Johnny asked crouching down to his son's height. "Your door was locked" Donghyuck sniffled chucking his pillow aside as he raised his hand above his head silently asking to be picked up which Johnny eventually complies to after heaving out a huge sigh. "I'm sorry I wont lock it again" he assured while patting Donghyuck's back lightly in hopes of lulling him back to sleep.

He's had the conversation of Donghyuck needing to get used to sleeping alone in his room but no matter how much he tried to convince him, he would hear the sound of a pair of feet approaching his room every night unless he had by some miracle fallen into too deep a sleep to wake up from. And even though at times it did get annoying he couldn't find it in himself to scold or reprimand him when he looked this adorable laying top of him with his hands around his neck. And although they were still little he wasn't sure just how much longer he would be able to enjoy this side of them so he was always making sure to take a mental picture of moments like this.


Hello people who are reading this in all honesty I completely forgot about this fic cause I wasn't getting any ideas for it but after reading over it again I've decided to start writing it again and completing it once and for all this time. Also sorry for updating after more than a year :). Anyways here's some fluff and a bit of a foreshadowing as compensation

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