Not so little things

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Outside there was scorching heat but inside the auditorium, it was freezing, Ten puledl his jacket closer to his body coming from a tropical climate he wasn't used to cold temperatures. His fingers moved continuously against the keyboard of his laptop-taking note of whatever the professor was saying. There were only about 30 students in the lecture hall that can hold up to a 100 people, which was still more than the usual population of the class. The hall is always full during Legal classes but not a lot seemed to care about the other subjects that accompanied it. The professors didn't really care anymore either, most of them let you leave after you had signed in. the professor himself sounded like he was one word away from death as he rambled on about history of law enforcement in the country.

Ten usually wouldn't be here either but he felt like he had been slacking off lately not being able to balance the extra hours at the bar and his student life. The rent of his apartment had increased and life in a metropolitan city wasn't exactly cheap. Ten looked at the time in his laptop seeing that there was still about 20 minutes left until the end of the lecture. Ten was currently sitting at the back of the auditorium, just a few seats away from the door as he listened intently to the words reverberating in the huge hall.

A loud sound echoed through the place as someone brashly opened the door making his way inside making ten turn back in surprise to see where the commotion was coming from. Xuxi joyously waved at him ignoring all the annoyed expressions on the student's faces while a slightly apologetic Hendery bowed to the other's before making his way over to the seat next to Ten's.

"What's up?" Xuxi asks leaning on the fixed desk making a few more heads turn towards him glaring at the back of his head.

Ten gave him the stink eye as he kept talking loudly in the otherwise silent lecture theater. The professor now well aware of Xuxi' interruption of his class shushed him making Ten sink in his seat as he tries to avoid eye contact with anyone. Xuxi gives out a quick apology sitting down next to Ten as the lecture continued.

"Thanks for ditching us again" Hendery said in a hushed voice once Xuxi was settled down.

"This is like the 11th time you've cancelled on us this month" Hendery carried on receiving only silence from Ten.

"You're not listening to us are you?" Xuxi asks turning to look at Ten who refuses to face them.

"Yeah, sure" Ten replied not taking his eyes away from the laptop as he kept on typing.

Hendery locked eyes with Xuxi sharing a knowing glance before shutting the laptop and taking it away from Ten's grasp passing it to Xuxi as Ten made a go for it trying to take it back.

"Xuxi come on, I didn't save the file" Ten tries still extending his hands in a desperate attempt to reach for his laptop.

"Who cares it's just a few words." Lucas says shrugging towards Hendery who nodded in agreement.

"Give it to me" Ten says finally grabbing it out of his hand and saving the 3000 word file immediately after opening so as not to lose all the notes he had been talking for the last 2 hours.

"Anyways we wanted to talk to you about this guy we met" Xuxi said receiving a groan from Ten.

"Hear us out. He's funny, he's hot...." Hendery started being interrupted by Ten saying

"He's probably not gay"

"That's the point he IS" Hendery said raising his voice instantly regretting it as the students in front of them stared at him angrily.

"I'm not even gonna ask how you know that" Ten shut down his laptop putting it back in his back pack since there was no way his friends were going to let him focus plus the lecture would be over soon.

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