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As soon as Johnny reached his house he got into the shower taking in the unusual calm and quiet that surrounded him on the Sunday Morning. It was barely noon yet Johnny could his body aching. He promised himself to never overdo himself again at least for the foreseeable future. His parents still lived in the states but tried to visit Korea a few times a year more so because of Mark and Donghyuck than for him. They had a house in the outskirts of Seoul just a few hours away from his own. The house was his grandmothers and since Johnny refused to live their because of the geographical inconvenience, Mr. And Mrs. Suh made it a point to stay there every time they were in South Korea. It gave the kids a chance for a weekend getaway and him a weekend off even if it was only twice a year.

Johnny got dressed and came downstairs; it was about forty minutes past 2. He decided to grab a quick snack before heading off to pick his sons up. The drive was a little over two hours if he made no stops in the middle which Johnny never did when he was alone. That being said he was sure on the way back they would definitely have to make more than just a few stops because his kids had the patience of a gnat. Johnny savoured his last few moments alone since his parents were leaving in a few days and wouldn't be there to babysit Mark and Donghyuck anymore. He parked his car in front of the bungalow that had ivy and periwinkle growing on the sides of it. He walked up to the front door and knocked on the big wooden door.

After a while his mother opened the door smiling up at her son before embracing him in a hug. Johnny hugged her back placing his chin on her head seeing that he was almost twice her size. Johnny was about to speak when his ten year old came running towards him wrapping his arms tightly around his waist before looking up at him and saying

"There's no wifi here. Life gets real dull without the internet."

"I don't know what he's complaining about. I like spending time with them" Mark said going to hold his grandmother's hand, receiving a kiss on the head as he bid goodbye to both of his grandparents.

"He's just a suck up" Donghyuck said sticking his tongue out towards Mark as he waved towards his grandparents.

"Well have a safe flight and don't forget to call me once you reach" Johnny said hugging his mom once again before giving his dad a hug as well.

"Come on let's go. Stop fighting" Johnny commanded Mark and Donghyuck as he separated them from each other.

Mark yelled shotgun as he ran towards the front seat while Donghyuck grumpily got in the back seat. Johnny asked him to put on his seatbelt as he closed the back door making his way to the front. Johnny waved at his parents one last time before starting the engine and making sure Mark was secured before driving down the lane towards the highway that was only a few minutes away.

After making a few stops for dinner, ice cream and an emergency bladder situation Mark and Donghyuck were finally drained of all their energy, both falling asleep in the car. One was sleeping in the passenger seat with his head hanging towards the left while the other was sprawled across the back seat using his arms as a pillow. Johnny eased into the driveway once they reached home not wanting to wake them up with any sudden movements. Neither of them were light sleepers and even if they were awake they were most probably going to pretend to be asleep.

Johnny opened the back door picking up Donghyuck as carefully as possible; Donghyuck wrapped his arms around Johnny's neck sleepily as he hoisted up Mark into his other arm, closing the door with his leg. He held onto Mark and Donghyuck with one hand as he took out the house keys, opening the door and going back to holding the two clinging fingers wrapped around him with both hands. He didn't even bother closing the door as he made his way upstairs towards their bedrooms. Johnny entered Mark's room first putting him down on his bed and pulling the covers on him before closing the lights and going to Donghyuck's room. They used to share a room before but since they moved to bigger house they no longer needed to. While one loved it the other found it a little hard to sleep alone not that they would ever voice it at least not to their sibling.

Johnny went down to close the front door as well as lock his car, finally taking a seat on the living room couch. Johnny rested his head on the headrest letting himself relax for a brief moment when his phone vibrated in his back pocket. Johnny took out his phone to see an unknown number calling. He answered the call expecting it to be someone from work that he didn't care about enough to save the number of.

"Hey" a small voice spoke from the other side.

"Who is this?" Johnny asked loosening a button of his shirt not even bothering to sound polite.

"Uh, Ten, the guy who let you crash at his place" Ten said suddenly unsure of whether he had the correct number.

He had completely forgotten about Ten. He face palmed himself trying to think of a reply after all it wasn't everyday he gave his number to cute bartenders.

"Is this Johnny?" Ten asked after a few seconds of complete silence.

"Yeah... it is" Johnny mumbled suddenly feeling a little shy "Um, Hi" He added removing his hand from his face.

"Hi" Ten said giggling at Johnny's awkwardness. He guessed him to be kind of a player but talking to him now, he figured maybe not.

"I didn't think you'd actually call" Johnny said getting up from the couch.

"Would you prefer I didn't?" Ten teased, he found it extremely adorable just how bashful Johnny was.

"I'm glad you did, I actually wanted to thank you for yesterday and today" Johnny said walking from one side of the room to the other.

"Well, you're welcome"

"I was wondering if you're free on Friday." Johnny asked trying to regain some confidence. "If you are I'd like to take you out" Johnny included right after.

"What time?" Ten answered after a moment of consideration.

"How about eight. I'll pick you up" Johnny said punching the air in celebration.

"That'd be nice" Ten said with a grin on his face.

Johnny could feel his eyes weigh down the moment he lied down on his bed. He put his phone on charge, making sure to put the alarm on. The alarm was always set to go off at 6am even though he didn't pick his kids up until 7. He needed to have his morning coffee in absolute silence and once the both of them woke up it was complete mayhem. Also it wasn't easy making breakfast and packing lunches for all of them while they were screaming about how they couldn't find their socks.

Johnny lied back down turning off the night lamp when he heard the door of his room creak open. Donghyuck was standing in the doorway with his favourite stuffed toy in his hand. Johnny shifted a little to the middle patting the empty space beside him for Donghyuck to sleep on. Donghyuck did not like sleeping alone, although he had his own room almost every night after Johnny put him to bed he would come to his room and quietly slip into his bed.

Donghyuck waddled over to where he was wrapping his arms around his torso and closing his eyes immediately. It was just a silent agreement they had. Johnny brushed his hair with his fingers as the boy fell further into slumber. Johnny looked up when he heard someone close the door. After a second he felt another pair of hands wrapping around him from the other side, putting a leg over his own. Johnny was a little surprised by the action but hugged him back as well. Mark was much more reclusive; he liked his own privacy so it was rare to see him showing affection this way. But seeing them look so peaceful put a smile on his face. They maybe a pain in the ass sometimes but they made his otherwise dull life a little more bearable.


So I finally wrote another chapter yay. I wanted to write some johnny as a dad fluff cause lets be real we all need it. Let me know if you like it. Also Mark and Donghyuck are not their actual ages and are a little younger so they fit the characters.

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