what is this mate?

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꧁𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅꧂

꧁𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚊'𝚜  𝙿𝙾𝚅꧂

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After I showered and changed I looked one more time in the mirror

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After I showered and changed I looked one more time in the mirror. This was fine for team dinner. I unlocked my bathroom door and walked out in my room again. Lando was still sat on my bed but this time in different clothes. Guess he changed to.
Lando: "Ol please..."
Olivia: "what?"
Lando: "can we forget about today?"
Olivia: "fine."
I sighed and turned around. I looked at him as he started smiling at me.
Olivia: "but never pull that trick again."
I pointed my finger at him as we still had our eyes locked on each other.
Lando: "deal!"
Lando stood up and kissed me.
Lando: "you look gorgeous by the way."
I let out a giggle before taking my shoes and trying to get them on. It hurted like crazy and Lando noticed because he started to put them on and tie them.
Olivia: "thank you."
Lando: "no problem baby."
He kissed my cheek one more time before we walked downstairs for team dinner. Everything went by pretty smooth. Except the fact that my ribs started hurting really really bad. I decided to not tell Lando because he would be worried about me and I didn't want him to worry more about me then he already did. The food was delicious tho.
I let my back hit my matras as I finally got back to my room. I flipped my shoes off with my feet so I didn't have to untie them. I had another painkiller before I changed into some sweats and a shirt. Lando went to his own room to change and he walked in at me changing my shirt.
Lando: "wow I really do have perfect timing."
Olivia: "wait till I tell Max about what you said Norris."
Lando: "wow threatening are we?"
Olivia: "always."
He let out a chuckle before picking me up gently making sure he didn't touch my bruised rib what wasn't necessary if you ask me. He placed me on my bed and then laid down next to me. We watched Brooklyn nine-nine on my laptop and I fell asleep while watching.
As my alarm went off I opened my eyes. I stopped the alarm and looked around me. No Lando. He was gone. I got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. Empty. I looked at my phone. No message from Lando. I started thinking where he could possibly be. Gym? No he doesn't go in the morning. Breakfast? He would have woken me up right? I didn't know so I just changed into my light washed jeans with my McLaren polo and when I was trying to put on my shoes but failed hard Lando came walking in. He smiled at me and helped me tie them. Getting them on wasn't the hardest part but tieing? Poeh that was hard.
Olivia: "thnx again..."
Lando: "everything for my princess."
Olivia: "that's a new nickname."
I let out a giggle before I placed a kiss on his cheek. His hair was still a bit foggy so I assumed he changed and showered in his own room. He took my hand as he guided me towards the breakfast room. We had a quick breakfast with the McLaren team before going to track. We finally arrived and walked into the garage. I saw my car standing there... they fixed it! I could still drive. I looked at Lando like I was child seeing their favorite candy.
Lando: "Ol you have a bruised rib. You can't drive."
Olivia: "but I am gonna try!"
I was so happy he didn't want to stop me.
Lando: "promise me to stop when it hurts?"
Olivia: "I will."
Deep down I knew I wouldn't but I wasn't planning to tell him. We changed into our racing suits and when I was out in the garage with my shoes still in my hand walking over to Lando to ask him to help me once again my trainer, Wendy, noticed.
Wendy: "why aren't you wearing your shoes?"
Olivia: "cause... I can't put them on?"
Wendy: "why is that?"
Olivia: "I might have bruised a rib yesterday in a crash?"
Wendy: "and your planning on getting in that car?"
Olivia: "yes."
Wendy: "oh hell no! Not on my watch!"
Olivia: "come on. I need to race."
Wendy: "you bruised your rib!"
Olivia: "I will manage."
Wendy: "Olivia Madelyn Verstappen! Your not getting in that car!"
Olivia: "sorry don't hear you!"
I finally reached Lando who was talking with his mechanics. He saw me immediately and wrapped one I'm of his arms around my back while continuing the talk. He noticed the shoes I was holding and kneeled down to help me. The mechanics were all confused, what I totally get.
Mechanic: "what is this mate?"
Olivia: "I bruised my rib yesterday... so I need help with shoes."
Mechanic: "Lando are you letting her drive?"
Lando: "can't keep her here. If I did she would get in after I was strapped in."
Olivia: "I will be okay."
Mechanic: "yes sure..."
I rolled my eyes at one of the mechanics and when Lando was done we gave each other a quick kiss before I returned to my own garage. After a lot of questions about my rib I felt two arms around me once again. I turned around to face Max this time.
Max: "no racing for you Ol."
Olivia: "why not Max? Did Wendy get you?"
Max: "your injured and yes."
Olivia: "wouldn't stop you would it?"
Max: "no... but your my sister."
Olivia: "says the one who drove me off track yesterday."
Max: "sorry..."
Olivia: "I'm getting in either way so accept it."
After an argument with Max he finally gave up and let me get ready. We got signed out once again and after formation lap we were waiting for light out. I was starting P15. Max had pole position and Lando P5. I grabbed my steering wheel tight as I was ready to go. The lights went out and I immediately pushed the throttle in. I had a good start and gained 4 positions in the first lap.
Paul: "P11 Olivia! Amazing start!"
There were still 4 laps to go and after a lot of DNF's I gained a lot of positions after the restarts and was now battling Carlos for a podium place. Lando was P2 and Max was still on Pole. I was about to go past Carlos when he made a weird move. I hit my break just quick enough. I shot of pain shot thru my ribs but I didn't let Paul or anyone notice. I drove further leaving Carlos behind. He came back on track 2,5 seconds behind me.
Paul: "are you okay Olivia?"
Olivia: "yes I'm good."
I looked in my mirror and then ahead of me. I was now looking at Lando's back. There were still 2 rounds ahead.
Olivia: "can I push these tyres?"
Paul: "yep go ahead."
Olivia: "ok copy."
I started speeding away harder and left Carlos behind now attacking Lando. It was the last turn and I was 0.5 seconds faster making me P2.
Paul: "P2 OLIVIA! P2!"
I slowed down slowly making sure no one would hit me in the back. I parked behind the P2 sign and took a moment to breath. My first podium... wauw. I undid all my straps and when I was climbing out Max and Lando were already out. I first jumped in my engineers and mechanics before pulling of my helmet. I took a sip of water before turning around to hug both my boys.
Max: "congrats on your first podium Ol."
He planted a kiss on top of my head while he was hugging me. He let go and walked to the interview. I was smiling from ear to ear when Lando kissed me.
Lando: "I'm so proud of you. You did amazing."
Olivia: "you did to."
His hands were placed on my waist pulling me close while my hands were on his neck. He kissed me once more before I had to walk towards the interview.
Journalist: "how does your first podium feel?"
Olivia: "very good. The fact I did this while my rib is bruised is incredible and then to share it with my brother and boyfriend... makes it even better!"
After 3 more questions we walked to the ceremony. Both boys sprayed me with champagne before I could even spray one of them. I was completely soaked before them and when they were finally done I sprayed them. They weren't that soaked but still soaked. I was dripping wet of champagne. Of course it was time for the picture after champagne. I was stood in between my boys and they each kissed my cheek for the picture what made me laugh. I bet the picture looks great.

It isn't always easy-Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now