9 Dating is a trip!

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Vani loved being back at campus before everyone else. She liked walking through the quiet halls and having the library to herself. She also got back to work early. Her first shift back was a baking shift and her stomach did flip flops on her short drive over to the shop. 

"Look at the glow in your cheeks this morning!" Chris greeted her with a big hug. "How were your holidays?" 

"Good. Lots of time with the Fam jam crew. I took Briar with me and showed her around." Vani smiled. "How was your first day off in a year?" 

"Well, I got so bored I took myself down to the mission kitchen and made about five hundred cookies. Their freezers are nice and full now." She smiled happily.

"I should have known that you were incapable of actually relaxing, even on Christmas." Vani loved her. She was the kind of person who got more joy out of taking care of others and giving than she ever did looking out for her own self. 

"What is the point of sitting alone when you can be doing for others?" Chris said as she pulled out the big cook book. 

"Uh oh! She is getting out the big book folks!" Vani teased tying her apron. 

"We have to restock the freezers of all the restaurants and replenish our own supply. So we will be mixing and freezing for the next month at least!" Chris loved that big book. She always showed it off as if it were worth more to her than anything else. Vani loved the disheveled, hand made and hand fixed quality of it. 

"We are going to be pretty busy I guess!" Vani smiled, she was glad that there wasn't an after holiday slump like most businesses. 

"We usually go on cycles, never a dull moment if you don't want there to be." Chris wrote out the plan as the back door opened and Vani caught sight of Joe for the first time since the party. Somehow he had gotten sexier and more perfect. Her heart leapt and then stopped as she watched him stomp the snow off his boots onto the matts by the door.

"My Ladies!" He greeted with a smile that made Vani's heart restart with a painful thump that took her breath away momentarily. 

"Joseph! Are you on time this morning? You must have gotten a new alarm clock for Christmas. How about that!" Chris teased winking at him. He blushed looking at her like they had a secret that Vani wasn't privileged enough to know. 

"Morning Biscuit!" Vani said brightly hoping she didn't sound strange, because she felt very strange. 

"Morning." He smiled and she couldn't look away or stop smiling. 

"Well look here, I forgot to place the order for my flour delivery, I wonder if I can catch them on the phone." Chris said to no one since they were busy smiling at each other. 

"How were your holidays?" Vani finally asked setting up a cookie making station. 

"Good, mostly. Yours?" He asked getting his apron and stepping towards her. 

Her heart lurched and she wanted to be close to him and touch him. She busied herself getting her mixing and measuring supplies. 

"We don't have to talk about our kiss if you don't want to, but I want you to know I don't regret it for a second." He said close to her back. She turned to find him looking at her and her entire body was on high alert. 

"I would never regret kissing you! Actually I would do it again." Vani blushed embarrassed that she had let that slip out. 

"Well let me take you out tonight then." He whispered and reached for her hand. 

"tonight? um yeah ok, sure." She stumbled. 

"Great. Pick you up at six?" She nodded and he tried to hide the grin on his face but he couldn't. 

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