Pretty Stranger.

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*AN/TW - This chapter contains non consensual drugging and sexual acts, mentions of violence and thoughts of abuse. Also stalking and creepy photo taking - it's all very unsettling so please do not read if this is triggering to you in anyway. Thank you for the support - please comment and vote <3* 

Another morning, another opportunity to watch Little Red. 

She dawdled past his window, seeming a little more chipper, wearing a red denim jacket and a white sundress. Kylo brushed his hair back behind his ear whilst peering down the lens of his telescope, groaning as he watched her hips sway into the distance. Although he found her deliciously tempting when she was crying, he still felt drawn to her happy demeanour, her big eyes sparkled as they glazed over his window, she looked well rested.

His thirst to destroy her was growing stronger than before, now he had been in her presence, he had felt her brush against him, head her sweet, melodic voice, and witnessed her wet, naked body in the flesh, he was like a feral animal ready to strike.

He huffed her panties whilst stroking his thick length, cursing at the sweet, feminine musk they gave off. It only made him hunger for her more, he longed to smell her sweet little cunt up close, taste her juices, feel her slick running down his chin, or her piss, he didn't care. He needed to have her soon, or kill someone, the monster inside of him was screaming to be released from it's bonds.

The watcher leaves his attic and wanders aimlessly to his study. He sits down at his computer and reads through several painfully generic emails. Mainly compliments on his newest works and invites to dinner parties.


He had a thirst that needed quenching.

He taps a porn site into his web browser and flicks through several videos, he sighs heavily, everything is so vanilla.

He continues scrolling through the pages again and again until he comes across a hopeful video. The girl on the thumbnail looks similar to his Little Red, the same delicious golden skin, slim figure, full tits, even the small tuft of pubic hair.

That should do.

He selects the video and leans back in his chair, pulls the red panties from his back pocket and frees his cock. He stuffs the underwear in his mouth, desperate to get a small taste of her. He glares at the girl in the video as he squeezes his cock, pearls of precum leaking from his pink tip. She was attractive enough, but not at all as perfect or innocent looking his Little Red, just a cheap imitation.

He skipped the video in until the girls back was turned, being fucked from behind by an average sized cock. He groaned, imagining having his Little Red bent over his desk, how he would split her in two with his nine inches, oh how she would scream and cry.

"Ffffuu. Scream for me, Little Red..." He growled, panties muffling him.

He wondered if she was a virgin, if she would bleed on his cock, he hoped so. He wanted her messy, wanted her to remember the feeling as every inch of him fucked into her, splitting her in half. He squeezed his cock tighter, hips thrusting upwards into his fist, imagining how tight she would be.

"You like how my cock fucking splits you open, hm?" He continued rambling filthy words into the material. "Squeal for me, bitch..."

Perhaps he would bugger her too, force himself into her tight little asshole whilst her face was pressed into the floor. He was going to fuck every hole his Little Red had to offer, and she would eventually learn to love it. The thought made him climax, cumming thick jets of white all over his grey t-shirt.

He pulled the panties from his mouth, rather upset that they didn't smell of her sweet pussy anymore. But no bother, soon he would have the real thing.

The big bad wolf and his Little Red slut.


You'd thought about Kylo for most of the afternoon. How he left as quick as he came, showed an interest in your art, asked about your bruise, even called you pretty.

He was a handsome, mysterious stranger, who'd left you a poem. It was strangely romantic. You wondered where he lived, if he was near or far, if he had a family or if he was a lone wolf. But now he was gone, just like Armie. You didn't expect to see him again. You didn't even know his last name...

College was fine, a few hours of theory, a few hours of practical. You decided to paint something new, using Kylos pretty poem as inspiration.

You splattered shades of grey and red on your white canvas, fading them into each other softly, before adding a thick layer of red to create an abstract rose. It wasn't your best work, but you liked it, it was a reminder of your wandering visitor. Maybe you'd gift it to him if you ever saw him again.

You walked your usual route home, lugging your fresh painting with you, being careful not to touch the wet paint. You wondered if he would like it, he said your work was great, maybe he would have it on his wall, wherever he lived.

You made your way inside your house and rested the painting against your dinner table. You put your dinner in the oven and checked your social media, no new notifications.

After eating the rather bland lasagne you sat down on your couch and flicked through the tv channels. You settled for a cheesy rom com you'd seen a few times.

You checked your phone again, still nothing from Armie. You text "thanks for nothing, jerk" to him and threw your phone against the couch.


You scrunched your brows together. Armie?

You picked your phone up and read the text.

'Armie H: Hi, I'm really sorry I haven't been in contact. Let me make it up to you, meet me for a drink tonight?'

You looked at the rubbish, cheesy rom com playing and shrugged. Why not.

'You: Okay. I could use a drink. Meet me at Bar 66 in a hour? :)'

'Armie H: Sure. See you soon!'

You swiftly turned the tv off and ran upstairs to get ready, jogging bottoms weren't exactly date worthy.

You arrived at Bar 66 a little early, taking a shot of vodka for the nerves. You were nervous to see Armie again, not because he was intimidating but because he was kind, boyfriend material, you didn't want to mess it up.

You winced as the shot burned your throat, but it soon subsided. You checked your phone, it'd been over an hour now and he still hadn't arrived. Maybe the traffic was heavy.

You shuffled around in your red dress, and tapped your fingers against your cocktail glass.

The time carried on ticking by and you felt disappointment pang in your chest. You looked around the busy bar, checked your phone, he definitely wasn't coming. You sighed and shrugged your jacket on, ready to make your way back home, until you turned around and bumped into a familiar, tall figure.

"Kylo?" You said, a little flustered.

"Oh, hello again Miss."

"Hello to you too." You felt your cheeks heat up, from either the alcohol or the nerves that Kylos presence sent down your spine. "Everything okay with the car?"

"Oh, yeah, all fixed thank you. Are you here with friends?"

", I was actually waiting for a date but I don't think he's going to show." You said, feeling your lips form a small pout.

"I'm sorry to here that." He said, rubbing your shoulder. "Could I get you a drink? As a thank you for your gracious hospitality."

You hesitated, before nodding. If Armie wasn't coming, one drink with Kylo wouldn't hurt.

"Sure. Thanks." You smiled, pulling your jacket back off.

Kylo sat down beside you at the bar and ordered you another cocktail and a single malt for himself. But felt a sudden urgency to pee.

"I just need to use the restroom, I'll be one second. Don't disappear."

Kylo smirked to himself. "Take your time, I'll be right here."

You smiled and hurried off to the bathroom. You felt a small buzz from the shots and cocktails you had drank whilst waiting. You couldn't believe you'd bumped into Kylo again, maybe it was fate that Armie hadn't shown.

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