A Cut For A Cut.

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AN: Hey all! So a few warnings for this chapter, non consensual somnophilia (sexual acts whilst unconscious) and violence. Kylo isn't very nice, but neither is the reader I suppose. Hehe (laughs in evil queen) if you're easily triggered I would refrain from reading. Thank you. Love you all<3*

Kylo exhaled deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. He really hoped you would just behave, play the part, be a good girl, but of course you weren't. You were proving to be a handful that was for sure.

"I won't tell you again. Open. Your. Fucking. Mouth."

You didn't even look at him.

"Fine." He snarled, pulling his trusty ring gag from his pocket.

He snatched you by your hair and dragged you towards him, placing you in-between his thick legs. He attached the gag around your head, and inserted the ring under your lips, making sure your mouth was stretched open as far as it could be. He smirked at your angry eyes that were searing into his.

So pretty when you're angry, my moody little baby.
You think you're so tough huh?

"That's more like it." He laughed callously. "Now, do you want raspberry or peach?" You nodded your head to the left, choosing the raspberry one solemnly, as drool ran freely down your chin.

Mm, look at you, drooling like a puppy.
Like a messy little bitch.

Kylo pinched your tongue in his thumb and forefinger and pulled it out, before shoving a spoonful of the tart, baby pink yoghurt into your mouth.

"Swallow." He said gleefully.

You almost choked as you tried to swallow with your lips forced apart, to which Kylo seemed amused.

He carried on the taunting game of spoon feeding you, watching you struggle, tutting at the messy pool of yoghurt and spit pooling on your pyjama top.

After he fed you the entire pot he removed the gag and cleaned you up, wiping your messed up cheeks and chin with a rough towel.

"You're not going to starve to death on my watch little one." He said, patting your cheek patronisingly.

You felt yourself begin to feel light headed, woozy.

Fuck, no, no...not again.

"W-why?" You rasped.

"You need to sleep little one. You've had an eventful few days. Just relax, let it happen. I'll be here when you wake up..." He uttered, his fingers stroking your jaw. You felt your eyelids begin to droop closed, your whole body turning limp and boneless as you drifted off into the drug induced, hazy sleep.

Kylo nudged you after you had been still for a while, you didn't stir, just breathed softly against the pillow.

My sleeping angel. So soft, so peaceful, so silent.

Just how he liked you.

He couldn't resist having a little fun before he went to the top level of the cabin to write.

He pushed down his jeans and boxers, kneeling over your sleeping frame like a hulking beast, his cock already painfully hard. He spat into his palm and began pumping himself at just the right rhythm as he watched your plump, glossy lips smack together, mumbling in your dream state.

With his free hand he yanked up your messy top, making a mental note to pick you out a fresh one, and admired your perky, silky tits. He panted through flared nostrils, grunting your name like it was a holy chant. He played with your nipples, making them hard and firm, before sucking one into his mouth, revelling in the sweet, slightly salty taste of your skin. He fucked into his hand faster, bucking wildly.

"Oh that's it, you're such a good girl, so perfect..." He groaned against your chest. He pulled back slightly, reaching for the waist band of your shorts. He yanked them down, along with your panties, around your knees, and felt his mouth salivate at the sight of your cunt, which was obviously wet with slick, even as you slept soundly. "Wet for me aren't you? So wet and so pretty..." He sighed, taking his fingers and collecting some of your juices. He sucked your essence from his digits and revelled in the taste, undeniable sweet, musky, painfully delicious, and all his for the taking.

"M-mm." You mumbled.

Kylo felt his stomach coiling, pleasure burning in his blood, the taste of your pussy lingering on his tongue. He thrust two thick fingers through your folds, curling them up, gliding in and out, hitting the places he knew you couldn't quite reach alone. He hissed in pleasure, awestruck, when he felt your inner walls clenching down on him.

"Oh you love this, don't you baby? You love it when I finger fuck you huh? Just wait until my cock is inside of you...god, fuck... you're going to be so full...I'm going to fuck you until you beg for me to s-stop...oh red, fuck!" He roared, fucking himself to completion, coating your pretty, still body in ropes of thick, white cum.

He tucked himself back in his boxers and hiked up his jeans, breath shallow and thick with satisfaction. He wiped away most of his cooling cum from your body with the yoghurt coated towel, before striping you of your pyjamas, they were spoiled now. He tucked you under the covers, leaving you naked, still just as peaceful as before. It was better like this, you'd only get fresh clothes dirty again anyway.

He grinned down at you, licking the aftertaste of your wetness from his bottom lip, before retreating to his writing desk, leaving you safely tucked away below him.

'She is angelic,soft and still,lost in her dreams,and as I watched her,I was lost in mine,dreaming of the day,when she wouldn't need the chains.'

You woke up, uncomfortable and shivering. Your head was pounding too. You weren't sure how long you were out for, it could have been hours, days, weeks. Your sense of time was out of the window, much like your sanity.

You'd all but memorised every inch of the room you were stuck inside. There were no windows, no cracks in the walls, no way to escape except for the loft hatch, which you knew was locked and guarded.

The only source of light was from the one swinging bulb in the centre of the ceiling and the simple bedside lamp. The bed was wooden, topped with a thin mattress and a cherry covered sheet, which in another circumstance you would have found cute. There was a small kitchen with the usual components, a small copper kettle, plastic plates and bowls, a little cactus plant that looked just as thirsty as you were. In the centre of the room was a cream coloured couch which looked used and dirty, a small cream rug and a wooden coffee table. There was a bedside table, with nothing on top of it, you'd inspected the drawers, only to slam then shut again when you saw the various sex toys and bottles of lube, making your blood run cold. In the corner of the room were Kylos bags and some trash sacks, you noticed the material of your pyjamas poking out of the top of it, and when you eventually looked down at your body under the comforter you noticed you were completely naked.

You felt your insides flip.

Had he?

No...you were sure you would have been sore if he did, but you did notice small dried white patches on your skin.

You weren't that naïve, you knew what it was.

You felt yourself shudder at the thought of him, looming over you, emptying himself on you, even when you were conscious it was enough to leave you paralysed.

Your mind reeled with endless thoughts as you laid there, isolated and uncomfortable.

Why am I being kept here?
Is he going to kill me?

I need to get out, run, escape.

I need clothes.

"Um, hello!" You tried to yell, but it came out as more of a breathless squeal. "Kylo?"

The hatch creaked as it rose, and his footsteps thumped down the wooden stairs. He closed the hatch and locked it, before walking slowly over to the bed.

"You're awake." He purred, stroking the side of your cheek with a large finger, you recoiled slightly, but he was warm and you were freezing. "You've been out for almost twelve hours little one, you must be hungry."

"No!" You squeaked, not wanting to be drugged again, your head and stomach groaned in pain. "No thank you. I...I want some clothes."

"Oh...you do? And why is that?" He pried. "You look so pretty without any." He pulled the covers from you and you shivered, the cold air around you making your skin ripple with goose bumps.

His eyes burned like hot coals over your chest, flickering down to your crotch, you pressed your thighs together tightly, trying to hide some of your dignity as your hands were still locked in place above your head.

"So pretty...in fact...I don't think I ever want to see you in clothes again." He cooed, his mouth lowering.

He sucked a nipple into his plush lips, twirling his tongue around you. You stayed still, squeezing your eyes closed, trying to ignore how your body was involuntarily reacting to his advances. You cursed internally as you let out a small moan. It felt good, no one had touched you like this in years, and despite the shame that clouded you, your blood still thumped in your ears. He squeezed your other tit with a large hand, groaning against you as he sucked and flicked your sensetive peak. "Tell me you like this..."

You let out a breathless moan, trying to hold in the intense arousal you felt. You were so tired, so drained, so out of it, and this felt so good, so warm, so nice.

"Tell me..." He said again, impatiently.

"I...like it..." You said faintly, just loud enough for him to hear. It made you sick to think you were only half lying, and if he wasn't a psychopath, you would have happily let him do this to you without any fear.

He growled a little, victorious growl and carried on, using his devilish tongue on your chest.He moved his lips up towards your neck, kissing and sucking freely, leaving little purple welts in his feverish path. You mewled under your breath, not wanting to give in so easily. He must have felt you tense up, as he pulled away and tutted. "You'll beg for me soon enough little one. Now, a bath. How does that sound?"

You didn't speak, just nodded. A bath sounded good. And being out of those fucking handcuffs sounded even better.

He clicked his tongue, annoyed at your unwillingness to speak to him, before unlocking the tight cuffs and scooping you up into his strong arms. He truly was enormous, you felt like a bag of flour in his grasp, not a full grown woman.

He hummed to himself as he carried you through the open room, to a wooden door. He pushed it open with his foot and stepped inside. It was a small bathroom, simple enough, with a sink and a toilet and a freestanding bath. There were towels neatly folded on the rack, bottles of various toiletries on the edge of the sink, all arranged in height order. You felt a little faint as you realised they were all of your own personal bottles, that he'd clearly taken from your own bathroom.

It seemed he had put a lot of effort into making this bizarre, underground prison feel like a home.

He placed you on the ground in front of the bath and began twisting the taps and poured in some lavender bubble bath, checking the temperature every so often.

You shivered, covering your modesty as best you could, staring blankly at the steam that rolled from the bubbly water. It smelt so familiar.

He grabbed you by your painful, battered wrist and you snatched it away. "I can get in myself."

You lowered yourself steadily into the warm water and let out a small sigh of relief as the water calmed around you, soothing your cold and aching body like a warm hug. You closed your eyes, trying to imagine you were back home, in your own bathtub, with Thai food on the way, before you had ever met Kylo Ren. When things were safer and normal.

"What did you do to him?"

"To who little red?"

"You fucking know who. And stop calling me that."

"Ah, ah. Language." He sniggered. "I presume you mean your friend, Armie Hux?"

You nodded to confirm.

"Oh I killed him. But I'm sure you figured that out on your own." He said nonchalantly.

You felt your eyes burn with tears. Anger, pain and fear boiling under your skin.

"I did it for you." Kylo said, you stared into the cloudy water, frozen. "He was only going to use you little one. I read through his messages, saw how he talked about you to his little friends. I protected you."

"No...that's a lie... you're a monster..." You mumbled solemnly.

"Yes, I am. But an honest one."

"Just let me go...please." You began begging, turning to face him with red raw eyes. "I won't tell anyone...I just...I want to go home."

"Shut up!" He snapped. "You're not going anywhere. Soon you will learn to appreciate what I am doing for you, soon you will let the past die, and you will love me...how I love you."

"You don't even know me! And this, being held against my will, chained up, drugged, fucking abused, is not love!" You screamed.

"I know everything I need to know about you sweet girl. From favourite food to preferred fucking brand of acrylic paint. I know what you want, what you crave...you wear a mask of innocence, sweetness...but deep down, we are the same." He said, his voice thick with a fury that made you uneasy.

"N-no... I'm nothing like you!"

"Stop lying to yourself. I know you. I have watched you for so long, I have waited for so long...for you. And now I have you, I'm never going to let you go." He walked slowly over to the edge of the bath and crouched down to your eye level, you curled your knees up to your chest and sobbed, shaking your head in disbelief.

His hand found your jaw and pulled you towards him, his grip was tight enough to make you wince. "I can give you what you want. I can fulfil every little fucked up desire, every gnawing thought, every craving...I suppose I have given you one already, your little fascination with abduction is rather cute..."

"Stop it..."

"Your porn browser doesn't lie sweetie. I know what you like..." He pulled your face towards him and kissed you fiercely, his teeth snagging at your bottom lip, tongue furiously entering your mouth, drawing shallow breaths as he devoured you.

You didn't fight him this time, you let him kiss you, as your mind reeled. A cloud of shame and guilt settled over you, as you realised that he wasn't wrong.

A part of you did want this, a part of you craved darkness, depravity, danger. Perhaps for the first time in your adult life, that hunger was being quenched.

But no, you weren't like him! You weren't a murderer! Or a psychopath! You just had...fantasies. That's all they were...stupid fantasies. Everyone has fantasies right?

Now you were trapped in the real life version, you weren't sure if you were terrified or turned on, everything was so jumbled, you were exhausted, weak, afraid of him and what he was capable of. He could kill you if he wanted to...

"I know you love this...being controlled." Another deep kiss, "Being overpowered." His hand gripped your throat and squeezed tightly, threatening to crush your larynx. To your utter dismay, you felt your pussy clench at his touch. "You want me to fucking ruin you... Don't you?"

A beat of silence went by as your pulse throbbed in your ears, his tight grasp still choking the air from your lungs, you stared blankly into his dark eyes.

"Don't you!" He shouted, spitting in your face like a rabid animal.

Still you didn't speak. Suddenly he lurched upright, looming over you like a beast. His hand went immediately for your hair, locking it in a tight fist, you screamed and thrashed at his arm, trying to break away, which only angered him further, until he pushed you down, holding your head beneath the water.

Your nostrils burned, as did your scalp, as you violently kicked your legs and clawed your nails into his forearm. He held you under for what felt like hours, until you began to turn limp. Once you stopped fighting back and let yourself accept your fate, he ripped you out again. You gasped and coughed up the perfumed water, your eyes and throat burning as you gulped in precious oxygen. His hands cupped either side of your wet, horror stricken face, as he crouched down, breathing heavily, eyes full of rage.

"Don't. You?" He hissed.

"Y...yes." You wheezed. He smirked at you evilly and released your head, leaving you shaking and sobbing in fear, realising that he almost killed you.

"I know, good girl. Now wash yourself up, you're filthy." He snarled, leaving the bathroom with dull thudding footsteps.

Once you were alone you sobbed into your knees, this was like a fucking nightmare you couldn't wake up from.

But deep down you knew some of what Kylo had said was true. A part of you longed for darkness, submission, even pain, but you didn't want to live your entire life in fucking captivity.

Perhaps there was a way around this, he had been nice in the beginning, attractive, kind, no doubt a mask he wore to get you exactly where he wanted you, but maybe those parts of him were still in there, perhaps if you tried to just behave and go along with it all, he would have a change of heart, or at least let you see day light again. Now you'd seen his own dark side, his fury, and you didn't want to experience that again in a hurry.

You wiped your teary eyes and inhaled deeply, reminding yourself that you were strong, you had faced worse demons than him, and you would be okay. You were a survivor.

You washed your skin thoroughly and rinsed off the soap, then stepped out of the cooling bath water, holding the wall to keep you steady. You wrapped yourself up in a bath towel and let your wet curls wall around your shoulders. You touched the top of your head and winced at the pain emanating from your tender scalp, a reminder than you had almost been drowned in a bath tub.

You walked back out into the chilly prison you were becoming too familiar with and saw Kylo hunched over the kitchen counter, he was cutting something up with a large kitchen knife. You walked over to the bed and sat down, hands in your lap, breathing steady.

If he would just go to the bathroom, or tie his shoe lace, I could grab that knife.

Your eyes flickered back and forth between the glistening blade and your shaking hands. You massaged the deep purple rings around your wrists, sitting in silence, whilst scenes of you stabbing him in the jugular danced around in your head.

"You see that, in the corner of the ceiling?"

You looked around a little, trying to figure out what he meant.

"It's a camera, so I can keep my eye on you." He said, exhaling deeply. Your stomach churned, knowing even when he wasn't with you physically, he could still see your every move.

He put the knife down on the edge of the sink and turned to face you, holding a small plastic plate, topped with apple slices, a sandwich cut in four small squares and some potato chips. "I don't want to get angry at you little one, but if you push me, well...I can't control it. Now, eat your lunch, before I put those cuffs back on."

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