Little Red.

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*AN - This chapter contains stalking, murder, and other creepy themes. Please skip if this is triggering for you, I have plenty of other work that isn't dark, but I had this idea and wanted to run with it. Please comment and vote, I love your feedback! Safe reading <3*

Kylo Ren is perched in his usual spot, on his leather armchair, in the attic of his home.

He sits, one eye closed whilst the other looks through his telescope, which is pointed on the girl who was walking past his window. The simple, ordinary girl, whom the watcher had come to adore.

She was a pretty young thing, who lived a few houses down from him, and she always walked alone.

Ren imagined she was eighteen, her face was fresh and youthful, free from any lines or creases. She was small and slim, yet curved just enough in the right places for his taste. The watchers eyes often fell on her slender, nymphet legs, a delicious shade of golden brown, oh how he ached to feel how soft they were.

She always wore red. Red lipstick, sundresses, sneakers, or cut off tops, her delicate neck and wrists often adorned with pretty accessories. Her deep, golden skin would reflect off the pale sunlight, and her pretty, coiled hair would bounce as she walked down the cobbled streets.

On cold days she liked to wear jeans and oversized sweaters, that drowned her small frame. She was adorable to him.

Kylo Ren found himself watching her almost every morning, on her way to college. She often lugged around a large backpack and an easel. He imagined her painting, how her nimble little fingers would look as they swiftly moved around the canvas. 

Today was a Wednesday afternoon, she had finished college early and the watcher knew his little red would soon set foot on her evening jog.

He loved that.

His clammy palms would hold the telescope still like a trained sniper so he could watch her, usually in little red shorts that drove him absolutely wild. If he was lucky, her shoe lace would come undone, giving him a clear view of her peachy ass as she bent down to amend it. 

He wasn't a creep, or a pervert, he just admired her from afar, like a doting suitor.

He loved a lot of things about his little red. Despite never meeting her, he felt as if he knew her like the back of his tattooed hand. He knew she preferred Thai food over any other takeout, the delivery driver often pulling up on the weekends. He knew she washed her clothes with lavender fabric softener, the aroma made his mouth water as he walked past her garden, where her panties would be hung out in a neat row on her washing line. He knew she was a creature of habit, that she never fled far from her mundane routine, nor did she ever have company. She was a loner, isolated, much like himself.

His heart grew heavy in his chest as he longed to reach out, to feel her soft, buttery skin against his rough palms, smell her hair, feed her Thai food from the container as she laid back on her couch. But most of all, he wanted her beneath him, face contorted with pleasure as he thrust with wild abandon, filling her full of what belonged to her. He longed to see her big, doe eyes looking back at him as he made her cum over and over again.

Kylo Ren waited eagerly for little red to appear, his cock twitching with anticipation, already tenting his tight jeans.

But when she did show, Rens fists squeezed together, a rage building under his skin.

She wasn't alone.

A tall, gangly, ginger boy was walking along side her, making small talk and grinning like a fool. They exchanged few words before jogging away down the grassy path together. The watcher noticed her pearly smile as she looked back at him, and as she ran in front, he noticed the boys eyes lingering on her perfectly round ass, in those little red shorts.

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