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A/N: Things are about to get, weirddddddd. I didn't think I'd continue with this darker fic, but you know what, I changed my mind! Idk what's going on, don't judge me...
TW - 18+ only: Kidnapping, non consensual drugging, extremely dubious consent, blood play, general fucked up stuff.  Please comment and vote and read with caution. Ly <3*

You admired your body in your new sequin covered dress, it glittered and shined in the low setting sunlight that was creeping through your bedroom window. You finished coating your lips in a red velvet matte lipstick and ruffled your tight curls with your fingers, you looked like a movie star. 

Right on time you heard a car pull up outside of your house, you smiled and chirped with excitement, eager to have another evening with the mysterious poet, one that didn't end up with you passing out and no doubt snoring in front of him.

You grabbed your clutch bag off the kitchen island and made your way outside. Kylo was stood next to his car, holding the passenger side door open. He was dressed head to toe in a black suit, all except for the red pocket square that nestled against his chest. He looked intense, handsome and proper. You felt yourself gulp down your nerves as you approached him.

"Hi." You said, giving him a soft smile. 

"Hi there, you look lovely." He said, his voice a low seductive rumble that harmonised with the engine of his SUV. You walked over to him and got into the car, your insides were fizzing with nerves.

"Thank you, so do you." You returned, fastening your seatbelt in place.

He got into the car himself as you made yourself comfortable, then reversed effortlessly out of your driveway with one hand. You peeked over at him, admiring how sexy he was in that moment, how his hands glided over the clutch and the steering wheel, his big, strong hands. You felt yourself grow nervous, his presence alone was enough to make you feel small, and the sheer size of him. But he looked calm, cool and collected, a certain arrogance as he caught you staring, he licked his bottom lip and you admired the perfect, plump sculpted shape of them.

"I'm glad you like the dress."

"Oh, yes. I love it. Thank you, you didn't have to do that...but I must admit, I've wanted it for ages."

"Hm, it's like I knew." He purred.

"Yeah, you must be a mind reader." You chuckled.

He carried on driving, leisurely, you kept your hands in your lap, playing with the gold band on your wrist timidly. You looked out of the window as you passed the pretty houses and the cobbled streets you knew so well, the low evening sun just setting on the horizon, painting the surroundings in pinks and oranges.

"So, where are we going?"

"To dinner, I'm sure it'll be painfully boring, lots of snooty writers and pretentious assholes, but the food is quite good, or so I've heard."

"Sounds like a hoot." You laughed, you were pretty hungry, having not eaten due to your nerves.

Oh you have no idea, Kylo thought, his mind full of ideas. Perhaps he would drug your food whilst you weren't looking, or your wine.

Little Red can't handle her wine, can she?

Hm, he almost laughed out loud to himself, how easily you had fallen for his undeniable charm, how close he was to getting everything he wanted. He wanted you, just you, screaming for him, your feet dangling over his shoulders as he fucked you hard and deep.

He'd seen you play with your little toys, the camera he planted in your dressing table had certainly come in handy.

Little Red likes it rough, doesn't she?

He'd seen how you pitifully choked yourself as you came, how you liked to use your toys a little harder than necessary. He knew what you liked, he knew what you wanted, and he was willing to give it to you in barrels full. His Little Red would be red raw once he was finished, the thought made his cock painfully hard in his suit pants.

"I've never been to this side of town before." You muttered, admiring the expensive cars and large homes that scattered the street. "It's fancy."

"I prefer the quieter side of town myself, it's better to write in." He said.

Where no one around to hear those pretty screams you'll make, he thought, imagining you tucked away in his little cabin.

"Oh, you don't live around here?"

"Not around here no, I live closer to your place." He said.

Just across the street actually, isn't that lovely?

"Oh! I can't believe I've never seen you around."

"Hm, well I'm sure you're a busy girl."

"Yeah, or the fact I don't go out much."

He grinned a little.

No, you like to stay in, unless you're going for a jog, going to college, or hanging your pretty panties on the washing line, isn't that right baby?

Do you feel me watching you when you do leave the house? Do you sense my eyes burning holes into your pretty little ass when you jog? I wonder.

"Isolation breeds good art sweetie."

You smiled softly, nodding in agreement, it seemed like you were more similar than you first thought. He pulled into a parking space just outside of the restaurant, you looked up at the glowing red sign, Imperial, it looked just as posh on the outside as it did inside.

Kylo walked around to your side of the car and opened the door for you, assisting you as you stepped out. He shrugged his jacket off and placed it over your shoulders, you smiled at his chivalry.

He lead you through the entrance and gave the front of house his name. You followed along, carefully in your high heels, to the large, eight seater table, which was already full of people. There were three men, all dressed in designer suits, and three women, head to toe in jewels and dresses, all longer than yours. You felt a little shy all of a sudden, maybe this wasn't the place for such a short, sparkly number.

Kylo placed his hand on your back, stroking you gently, easing your nerves, before pulling your chair out for you. He took a seat next to you as you made yourself comfortable, helping yourself to the glass of water that was already laid out in front of you on the table.

"Ah, here he is! Fashionably late, as always." An elderly gentleman said to Kylo. "And he's bought a date, how unlike you Ren, I thought you worked alone?"

"Hm, well I couldn't resist inviting this pretty, little thing, to save me from the boredom of you all." Kylo retorted. You almost choked on your drink, despite his tone sounding jovial, you knew he was telling the absolute truth. And he called you pretty. "Good to see you Snoke, Pryde, and how can I forget you, Canady."

The men nodded and greeted him back with uptight here here's.

"And who might you be dear?" The one Kylo had called Snoke said.

"Oh, I'm," You said your name softly, growing quite shy.

"Lovely name." He all but snarled back. "It seems you have found quite the muse Ren."

"She is...quite something."

You felt your cheeks burning as you looked at Kylo, his eyes, like two hot coals, gazing over you.

"Quite something indeed."

"I adore that dress." A lady said, who was sat opposite you, sipping on her champagne flute. Her hair was the prettiest shade of violet, pinned into a sleek updo on top of her dainty head. "Amanda." She said, holding her hand out to you, which you shook, a little timidly. "This is Maz and Kaydel."

"Hi, nice to meet you all."

"Great, now that we're all here we can finally order. I don't know about you all but I am fucking starving!" Snoke boomed, slapping his old, frail hands on the table.

You smiled a little and looked down at the menu, which, to your dismay, was entirely written in French. You squinted at the swirly cursive and felt yourself slipping into frustration as the waiter approached the table. You tapped Kylo on his thigh and he looked down at you, sensing your struggle.

Oh little red, you need me, don't you? You need me to look after you. My sweet girl.

"She'll have the same as I am having," He said, you breathed a soft thank you and sighed in relief, not arguing with the option. "and the best bottle of red you have."

You furrowed your brow, you weren't planning on drinking tonight, but it would be a shame to waste it.

The food arrived shortly after, the starter was a plate of scallops, covered in a buttery sauce, with an array of tiny vegetables and herbs, topped with a delicious bacon crumb. You couldn't believe how delicious it was, the French certainly knew how to cook.

The main was a fillet steak, a creamy pepper sauce, more vivid green vegetables and a generous helping of mashed potatoes, which the waiter had called a potato puree. Each and every bite was divine, you almost moaned out loud when you took a bite of steak, which melted in your mouth like warm butter.

"Are you enjoying that?" Kylo purred into your ear.

"Oh, yes... it's amazing. Thank you." You blushed, sipping on your red wine.

"Drink as much as you like okay? Otherwise Maz will." He laughed, you smiled up at him and helped yourself to more. One more wouldn't hurt, and at least you weren't drinking on a full stomach.

"So Ren," The gray haired gentleman, Pryde, began, in his thick British accent, "When is your new collection going to grace us with its presence?"

"Shouldn't be too much longer now, I've been quite inspired lately." He said, brushing your bare thigh with his rough, warm palm, making you squeak into your wine glass. "Perhaps a month."

"Very good, I do hope it's as dark as your previous works. You paint such haunting images." Pryde continued.

"Then you shan't be disappointed." Kylo sang.

"Do you write?" Kaydel asked, her pretty hazel eyes flickered with sincere interest. You wiped the corner of your mouth and shook your head gently.

"No, I, I paint." The guests around the table oo'd and ah'd, like they had never heard of an artist before.

"How wonderful. What sort of thing?"

"Well mainly I just paint how I'm feeling, surrealism usually, I don't like to follow too many guidelines."

"Sounds exciting. I know a few people who host exhibits, perhaps I could put in a good work for you."

"Oh, wow! That sounds amazing but I'm not," A pang of dizziness went through you, oh god, no, not now..."I'm not quite sure I'm good enough..."

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