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Before Asura could say or do anything, Lucifer's eyes grew increasingly red as his Devil face showed as he grabbed Daniel by the back of his shirt and flung him off of Asura, breaking his piano table but couldn't care less as Lucifer was beyond angry at this point.

"I AM HER HUSBAND! SHE IS MINE DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Lucifer yelled voice booming as Daniel was laying unconscious on the floor with the broken piano pieces.

Lucifer was breathing heavy as he couldn't keep his anger down. Nobody and he means nobody touches his Asura and his baby and gets away with it.

"Lucifer," Asura lightly called as Lucifer had turned his head in anger but calmed when he saw red eyes met his own.

Asura was in her full form with her stomach bulging out and she had placed her hands on his cheeks. The two stared lovingly into each other's eyes anger fading as Lucifer had placed his hands on her stomach, eyes never leaving hers.

"You know how to calm a Devil down love," he said his face going back to normal as Asura smirked.

"I have my charms Lucifer, but what are we going to do about him?" Asura asked head turning to the unconscious Daniel as she was still in her full form.

Lucifer also looked over at him in thought.

"Well first we should at least make sure he's alive,"

"Sounds like a lot of work to me darling," Lucifer responds causing Asura to laugh as she returned to normal.

"No, no darling you know how I like to see you," he says hitting her butt causing her to Yelp as he was walking towards Dan.

"But he could wake up and see me," she whined as Lucifer bent down to feel his pulse.

"Bloody hell he's still breathing, I'm going to kill him when he gets up,"

"Luci my dear we both want someone killed. Kill Daniel and I'll kill that detective wrench," Asura says coming up from behind him.

Lucifer laughed standing up as she wrapped her arms around his waist the best she could and snuggled into his back as Lucifer was patting her arms.

"Look at us. We're truly made for each other darling,"

"Well in a sense I am made for you. But I'm glad if it wasn't for you I'd never been here and never had met  such a sweetheart,"

Lucifer turned so the couple was now facing each other with his arms around her neck.

"You complete me in more ways than one darling If I hadn't of been bored that day I would have never met the love of my life. I appreciate you everyday and might appreciate father a little more for blessing us with our miracle kid. I truly am excited for this parenthood with you, I love you and our unborn daughter," Lucifer finished causing Asura to melt.

"We love you as well Lucifer always and forever," she says causing Lucifer to smile as he placed his hands on her stomach.

She gasped feeling a kick as Lucifer took his hands off her stomach. She groaned in pain.

"I'm not used to these heavy kicks," she says just as a groan was heard as well.

"Oh my what happened?" Daniel asked sitting up. "Oh God I did it again didn't I? Asura I am-"

"Don't even think about talking with her you got me to talk to," Lucifer says standing protectively in front of Asura as Daniel had sighed.


"Darling why don't you go wait upstairs for me?" Lucifer asked kissing his Asura on the head before kissing her stomach as well.

"Daddy will see you soon darling," Lucifer says shaking her belly back in forth with a smile.

Asura smiled as well before grabbing Lucifer's shoulder and walking away from him.

"Now then Daniel let's sit down and chat shall we?"

The two were now at the bar with Daniel's leg bouncing up and down nervously.

"Daniel do you know what a definition of a wife is?" Lucifer was the first to ask causing Daniel to gulp.

"Of course, you forgot I was married to Chloe,"

"Exactly, pre tell Daniel what is it you desire from my wife?" Lucifer asked leaning real close to him.

"I-I-I love her. I want to be the one she runs to, she goes to, I want to have kids with her. I want to marry her. I desire Asura to be mine," Daniel finishes as all he saw was darkness afterwards.

She-Devil (Lucifer Morningstar) Where stories live. Discover now