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Asura woke up to an empty bed beside her, but noticed a note on the bed.

Decided to go back to the LAPD today. Sorry I couldn't wake up with you my love hope you have a fantastic day

Xoxo Lucifer Xoxo

Asura chuckled as she read the note and placed it on the night stand. She decided to take a shower this morning when she felt something a little bit off about herself. Her intuition was telling her that something was inside her stomach as a big smile was on her face.

"IM PREGNANT!" She shouted extremely excited.

Not only did her intuition told her, she could sense it as well. Asura began to get happy, the thought of her being pregnant and a mother excited her. But she really wondered what Lucifer would have thought because even though he agreed to have kids, he wasn't excited about it at first and it terrified her that he might leave her.

No, no Luci wouldn't do that. Lucifer wouldn't leave her just because she's pregnant would he? She couldn't imagine being a single mother but if Lucifer does end up leaving her she guesses she's going to have to deal with that.

No way would she ever give up her child for anything. This is what she wanted and now she has it. When Asura stepped out of the shower she got dressed and walked out of the bathroom only to find Amenadiel at the edge of the bed.

"Amenadiel? What are you doing here?"

"Is it true?"

"What is?" She asked getting nervous.

"That your pregnant. Your a demon you can't get pregnant,"

"How did you know?"

"Father told me. He knows all after all and wishes to speak with you,"

"No, no I'm not going back to heaven again! You can forget it,"

"Asura please don't make me use force. What your carrying in you is very dangerous. A monstrosity,"

"How could you say that about my baby? Fuck you Amenadiel!"

"Your a demon Asura! Your not even supposed to be pregnant but you are! And you cannot keep this baby,"

"It's Lucifer's baby! Your not going to destroy our baby this could be a good thing for us,"

"If you think Lucifer is going to care for that thing your wrong. Lucifer despises children. Now quite stalling and come on right now," he says forcefully grabbing onto her arm.

"NO! NO LEAVE ME ALONE!" She shouted as she transformed and pierced her tail into his back causing him to scream but he didn't let go as he spread his wings up high.

"NO! LUCIFER!" Was the last thing she shouted before they vanished.

When Lucifer got home from a long day he was excited. He had gotten his wife flowers and candy and couldn't wait to see her reaction.

"ASURA! Darling I'm home! Hope you didn't miss me too much," Lucifer called before putting the stuff down and grabbing a shot of scotch.

Maze came out of her room hearing Lucifer's call for his wife.

"Lucifer I haven't seen Asura all day," she begins causing Lucifer to drown his glass.

"Well maybe she's in our room. I'll go pay her a visit," he says before heading up the elevator with the flowers and chocolates in his hand.

He was excited to see his wife after a long day from the LAPD. Chloe wasn't there, apparently she has taken a vacation so he assumes she was avoiding him. Who wouldn't blame her though? And not too mention Daniel was his partner that was full of awkwardness and Lucifer wanting to punch him in the face every time he mentioned about seeing his wife again.

It's like through out the whole mission Daniel couldn't stop talking about Asura and even though he wanted to take a swing, he refrained himself from doing so and just listened.

"Asura darling I'm home!" Lucifer says opening the door to only find it empty as he frowned.

"ASURA?!" He called again as panic slightly began to over take him.

Lucifer had dropped his things to look everywhere along the room and couldn't find a single trace of her. By now his heart was pounding and his hands on the back of his head. Where could she have gone?

Okay Lucifer don't panic maybe she went out to eat or something. She'll be back. It's not like she ran away or anything. He slowly began to calm down but something just didn't feel right with him as he went out into the balcony and looked up into the sky.

"I swear father if you'd done anything to harm my wife again, I will end you myself," he promised while gritting his teeth together.


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