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The ropes chaffed on my wrists, the only comfortable place for them was to poke them out in front while laying on my side, at least I'm alive but my thoughts quickly turn to wondering where this boat was actually going, and where Alex would be taking me, I didn't want to end up back in one of those centres, and my home, our home, has been destroyed, sank, I'd not seen another boat to salvage in all the miles we had sailed.

I heard the sails being hoisted as I closed my eyes, I was exhausted, I felt like the bunk could just swallow me up and I'd wake up in a month, resting my head on the pillow it smelt un familiar, the boat was strange, it was different to ours, a little smaller, and only the one main room with a door at the front, I presumed a cabin, and one near the back, probably the toilet.

The boat sounded different, I could hear the water on the hull more, but it didn't groan and creak like our boat, it was quiet in that respect, almost silently slicing through the water with the rhythmic tapping of something metallic on wood as the boat rocked gently from side to side.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on it, but all I could see was Milo lying there, helpless.

Alex came down the companionway, I kept my eyes closed, I didn't want to look at him, doing so might just confirm my fate, and I didn't want to ask where we were going... not now anyway, I just needed sleep and to figure out what I could do.

My mind wandered off, thinking I could wait until he was asleep and then take over the boat, but then I'd be no better than him, I'd let him go as we reached land I told myself, but it wasn't me, I couldn't do it.

I felt his presence next to me, I could smell his scent, ever since changing my senses were all the more sensitive, and then suddenly I felt him gently touching the ropes, and untying them.

I watched with wide eyes as he quietly took the ropes of, pausing at the last minute with a hand on my paw holding the last bit of rope before sliding his hands away and turning his head catching me staring.

"thank you" I whispered as a tear fell onto my cheek, maybe he wasn't a bad human after all

I like the way he smells

I blushed pulling the cover up over myself, drifting off to sleep in another boys bed.

"Eli" a soft voice spoke, and a nudge on my shoulder bought me back from my dreams.

"I made you a tea" he offered a mug out while crouched near me, "do you even drink tea?, sorry maybe a silly question"

"yes" I stutter, "we had quite a bit on board" I solemnly said,  grabbing the mug and sitting up in the bunk, I placed my paws around the mug, it was beautifully warm and the steam rose up from the top of the mug, it was warmer than this morning, I could just see the sun right at the top of the sky through the companionway, this boat didn't have an enclosed cockpit it was completely open to the elements and it was right at the back of the boat rather than in the centre.

I must have slept all morning

"are you hungry" Alex offered 

I simply nodded, taking a sip of tea, its warm contents warming me up from the inside.

Well if you can wait I'm trying to catch a fish, but I'm not having too much luck, ill give it another ½ hour then its just rice and potatoes I'm afraid

I chuckled to myself "that's all we'd eat too"

"oh really, do you have a camp somewhere then, on land?"

I looked a little blankly at Alex's question, "you know to grow potatoes, that's how we do it anyway" he continued

"oh erm, well no, not quite" I awkwardly rubbed my face, "it was just me and Milo" I continued "we stayed at sea, we were never welcome on land and had to run while we could, and you know get what we could"

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