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My dreams were wild, my brain processing the day before, I imagined what it would be like to actually wake up to Alex in the bunk beside me, I longed for him to cuddle with me, I felt safe in his arms, but also guilty for kissing him, for dragging Alex into a world of hate towards hybrids, he would have been fine had he not met me.

I stretched in the bunk, and caught sight of Alex up on the companion way steps, the motion of the boat had slowed down, the howling had stopped but it was still dark outside.

"hey, you ok" I asked out in the darkness to the shadow of Alex

"Yeah, did you sleep well?"

"I did, like a log"

"I saw you twitching in your dreams, anything interesting?"

I felt my face burning, the vison of Alex's naked skin pressed against me, the vision passed me once again as vivid as last nights dream

"No, I don't remember much"

"I hate dreams like that" Alex says "sometimes I just like to get out of this world you know, but often I just dream of the day it all happened, and I wake up sad remembering the people I've left behind" he said looking at the floor

"you were watching me" I asked inquisitively

"erm.. a little, sorry, I couldn't help myself"

"are you not tired?"

"a little" he admitted finally.

I patted the bunk beside me, where he sat perched over the side, "I've kept it warm for you" I offered with a cheeky grin placing my paw on his leg.

"now there's an offer I cant refuse" he beamed taking his top off, as I admired his physique, he paused at his bottoms, "is this ok?" he asked

"just as long as you behave" I said, wondering how the hell I was going to withhold myself

Alex climbed into the bunk in his boxers and I wrapped by arms around him pulling him in close, my paw held tightly against his chest with his hand, as we slotted together like two spoons in a drawer.

I nuzzled into his neck and gently licked it, I'm not ever sure why but it felt right Alex giggled "you need to behave too" he said
"sorry does that turn you on?"
"well I was talking about something else a little lower I can feel"

I noticed my arousal was pressing against him and quickly scooted back a little "oh" was all I managed embarrassed at being caught

"but yes it does" Alex said rolling on to his back so It wasn't quite as awkward, I leant in and he kissed me again with his tongue, I pressed against him, my hand running up his naked chest, I had to stop myself exploring places I knew I wanted to go in order to remain in control of my body.

I paused looking directly into his eyes, I wanted him, I needed him, but I couldn't

I kissed him quickly on the lips trying to diffuse myself, "I should get up, its my watch"

"just stay a while... just a while" Alex pleaded and I couldn't refuse him, I held him close and the world felt alive with wonder and desire, but I also felt safe, wanted, almost loved...

Alex drifted off to sleep before too long, he behaved as requested, myself not so much but he did things to me I couldn't explain.

I slowly moved his arms back and tip toed out of bed, like a stalking cat choosing a position in advance for each foot and paw to go, pulling the cover up around Alex again as I got my clothes back on.

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