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     "Gonta, why are you holding Shuichi like he's an infant?" you asked, staring up at Gonta.

Gonta had Shuichi cradled in his arms protectively. Mentally, your head was wrapped in knots. You couldn't wrap your head around the situation. Why was Gonta carrying Shuichi?

Shuichi's eyes were closed peacefully as if he was simply drugged to sleep. Now that it crossed your mind: was he drugged? It would've been surprising for Gonta to drug someone, but it was a good question nonetheless. Gonta simply stared straight down at you; his size intimidating you. Heh.

Slowly, you reached up and rested your palm on Shuichi's forehead softly — you had to go onto your tippy toes. "Erm, is he okay? Did he fall asleep somewhere? Are you carrying him to his room? It's right over there." You bombarded him with questions while pointing back to Shuichi's dorm. Shuichi's forehead wasn't warm, but you couldn't help but have a bad feeling about things. "Is he okay?"

     "Gonta accidentally hurt Shuichi..." Gonta said, staring down at the boy in his arms. "Gonta hear Shuichi not like bugs, so Gonta taking Shuichi to Gonta's lab. Oh, Gonta should take you to lab too, (Y/n). Please come with Gonta for your own good."

      "Oh, erm, sure...?" you replied, questioning your response while raising a brow. "I mean, I'll follow you without being forced. I'm just worried about Shuichi. Did you knock Shuichi out so you could take him to your lab? If yes, then I'll come along just to know if Shuichi ends up fine."

     "Yes!" replied Gonta. "Shuichi not being cooperative, and when Gonta went to grab him, Gonta accidentally hurt Shuichi."

     "Ah, I see," you confirmed; "That's not cool beans, but, erm, I'm sure Shuichi won't hate you for it. Say... if I have to go to your lab, could you, y'know, heh, carry me there? I don't really feel like walking around. Plus, if you're worried I weigh a bunch, then... uh, I dunno. Hope for the best, I guess."

     "Huh? (Y/n) want to be carried? Sure! Come close to Gonta, and Gonta give you piggyback ride." Gonta grinned while slowly leaning closer to the floor. As Gonta crouched down, he kept Shuichi swept softly in his arms protectively.

     "A piggyback ride?" you repeated, cocking your head animatedly. "Erm, well, I'm cool with it, I suppose. It would be pretty cool, too." Awkwardly, you approached Gonta's back and lifted a leg. Your right leg bent down onto his shoulder, and you felt his strong, rough hands grip onto your knee to steady you. "Woah," you mumbled to yourself, using Gonta's back to steady yourself while it felt like you had no control over the leg Gonta held.

     Clutching Gonta's shoulders, you mounted your other leg over his shoulder and allowed him to grip it. Your eyes widened while you quickly wrapped your arms around Gontas neck to steady yourself.

     Hesitantly, you reached up and gripped his shoulders. "Just... try not to drop me, okay, big guy?" Slowly, you lifted a leg over his shoulder with his slight assistance. With a clear sense of gentleness, he lightly reassuringly squeezed the knee he had in your hand and kept Shuichi cradled in his other arm. You looked down at his face and saw his reassuring, glistening grin.

     Without hesitation, you grinned right back. "Cool beans!" you beamed. "We should go to where you were taking Shuichi, yeah? I still dunno the full reason as to why you, erm, want to, but if Shuichi is being forced to go, I'll go too. So, my dear friend Gonta," you paused to pat his shoulders. "Charge!"



     "Huh? What do you mean, charge?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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