8| We Stan Bumiiii pt. 3

42 3 51

*Third person p.o.v.*

"It sounded like fun at first but, now that I'm here I'm starting to have second tthhhooouuuggghhttss-"

As Aang whoops from joy Katara and Sokka hold onto the cart tightly. Another chute next to them has a couple of spears and as they look at it they all go quiet in fear.

Soon the spears come right behind them and Sokka ducks yelling. Aang exclaims that he's 'on it'. He uses their weight to take them off the platform. The three of them yell Aangs being an excited yell and Sokka and Katara's: not so excitedly.

When they finish riding they've managed to destroy everything in their way including HIS CABAGESSSS.

They are now surrounded by 3 guards and taken to the throne room of Omashu.


 "Promise me that you'll come back alive."

"I-" Zuko starts but you stop him by putting your index finger on his soft lips.

"It's ok, you don't have to promise. But if you do make it out alive promsise me this: we'll always be friends."


"Of course Sakura, we will always be friends!," Zuko says tears brimming his eyes.

You give him a small nod and quickly peck his left cheek, leaving him slightly flustered.

Side note: since I changed the timeline a bit I decided that this is when you get taken to the island I'll delete this if I ever find the chapter where I talked about you waking up on the island, and also fix up some things but anyway this is when you got taken :)

"Hm? Z-Zuko? ZUKO?!," you yell shocked at the new surroundings you woke up to. You practically dash out of bed and look around. You see your mother sleeping peacefully and an Earth Kingdom looking boy.

Then it hits you; Zuko is supposed to be having his Agni Kai today. You break down crying realizing that most likely Zhao or Ozai sent you here and now Zuko has to face this alone. 


"Your majesty-" one of the guards says as they kneel before the old King. "-these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false preferences, and malicious destruction of cabbages."

"Off with their heads!" The cabbage man yells while jumping around.

"What is your judgement sire?"

"Hmmm. Throw them.....a feast!" the King says as the cabbage merchant and guard both gasp.


"Sakura, SAKURAAA!" Zuko yells from outside your old room.

He slowly opens the door thinking that you have overslept but discovers you aren't in your bed.

He looks around and notices a small letter on the floor reading:

If you see this Zuko, this is from me, Sakura.

I left because I no longer want to live a life in the palace don't bother looking for me.

I hope you win the Agni Kai, even if I know you won't.

- Your ex best friend

His heart drops along with he letter. He burns it making a little scorch mark on the floor while running out.


Momo is munching on some food while sitting on the table.

"The People of my city have gotten fat from eating too many feasts. So I hope you like your chicken with no skin!" King says hovering over Aang.

Today, Forever, and Always.  ( Zuko x Reader ) ☽Where stories live. Discover now