5| The Warriors of Kyoshi

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(this is the best picture that I could upload of a cat deer for those who haven't watched the Legend of Korra <3)

You wake up the next morning in your simple room that consists of a bed, a nightstand, and a small window. After washing up in the miniature bathroom that was part of your room. You walk out to greet the crewmembers with a welcoming smile.

"Care to join me for some tea," says Iroh.

"Did you make it with the White Jade leaves I gave you yesterday?" you ask.

He nods and you sit in front of him at the small round table. "Pai Sho, I love that game!" your eyes light up excitedly.

You start to play and finish two rounds both won by Iroh before the lieutenant on the boat comes. He walks in solemnly, saying that his crew lost the avatar's trail.

"My nephew will not like this news," Iroh says shaking his head.

You and Iroh walk into Zuko's stuffy room.

"The only reason you should be able to come here is if you have news about the avatar," Zuko says, opening his eyes from his meditation.

"Well, there is news Zuko but you might not like it. Don't get too upset."

"Uncle, you taught me that keeping a level head is the sign of a great leader. Now whatever you have to say I'm sure I can take it," he replies.

"Not with those anger issues you can't," you whisper causing the flames to slightly enlarge then fall back.

"Ok then, we have no idea where he is," Iroh says cautiously.

"WHAT?!?!?," Immediately the flames shot back up to the ceiling.

Iroh whips out his fan and you comment, "you should really open a window in here."

"Give me the map," Zuko says before snatching it from you.

"There have been multiple sightings of the Avatar but he is impossible to track down," Iroh says waving the fan back and forth.

"How am I gonna find him, Uncle? He is clearly a master of evasive maneuvers," Zuko says.

"Right, that goofy 12-year-old," you say smirking.

"Why are you even here," Zuko growls.


"You have no idea where we are going do you?" asks Sokka.

"Well I know it's near water," Aang replies.

"Well I guess we're getting close then," Sokka says in a sarcastic tone.

"Momo marbles please." Momo goes into Aang's Airbender clothes and hands Aang some marbles. "Hey Katara, check out this airbending trick," Aang says before using his airbending to spin the marbles around in the air.

"That's great, Aang," Katara says, still focusing on her sewing.

"But you didn't even look," Aang said in a disappointed voice.

"That's great," Katara finally looked up after a moment only to find Aang watching her.

"But I'm not doing it anymore." He said.

"Stop bugging her airhead, you need to give a girl space when they do their sewing," Sokka said.

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?"

"Simple, girls are better at fixing pants than guys and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things."

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