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5 years later...

Jungkook is in the middle of reading his book as he sits in his room. Glasses displaying upon his face as he was concentrating.

'Min Yunki?' Was the thought he had as he saw the name on a CD that was placed on his desk. He picks it up and inspects it. 'Who'd I get this from again? Ah...'

He puts the CD in the music player. As he listens to the sweet tunes of piano keys coming from his stereo, everything is seen to him from a different perspective.

'How are you doing? I'm...' Jeongguk takes a deep sigh as he thinking through some stuff. He opens his laptop and reads through an article.

<[Taekwondo Today] Nationally-ranked Taekwondo athlete Jeongguk injured! Is this the end?>

He reads through it with an unreadable expression on his face. As the music is still playing, he takes off his reading glasses and gets up from his seat. He walks around the room looking through some of the gadgets and knick knacks he had that reminded him of working out.

'I wouldn't be Jeon Jeongguk if I gave up.'

Jeongguk then has flashbacks of a golden furred dog, who seemed to be his own, before he walks out of his room.

Jeongguk is then seen in his Taekwondo uniform, walking into a training room. He brings along his gym bag with spare clothes and other equipment. He takes a seat at a bench placed against the wall and slouches as he holds a tired look on his face as he grips onto some cloth bandages. He wraps them around his wrists as he is ready to begin his training.

As he is in the middle of getting ready, he spots a chair standing right in front of a mirror. He walks towards its way and takes a seat as he looks at himself deeply through the glass. It looked as if he was looking for a sort of answer, that was until he spots the punching bag a couple meters away from him.

He gets up from the chair and makes his way to the bag, tightening his belt and getting into his fighting stance.

He started it off with a single kick, before stopping to take a minute as he must have hit a nerve. He then continues his kicking moves until he throws in some punches and adds in his own combinations. He then stops the punching bag from moving so much before continuing. He finishes with a flying swing kick before falling on the ground, lying there with no motivation to get up.

After a few minutes of lying in self-shame, Jeongguk takes a moment to sit and rest as he was mentally exhausted. As he was resting in deep thought, the doors of the training room open and Jeongguk hears a happy, carefree voice through the whole room.

"Let's go! Here's your dad!" The heart-smiled veterinarian with a white coat, Hoseok, cheerfully says as he brings in the same golden dog that Jeongguk was thinking about before his training.

Jeongguk looks over to see his dog, Ddoong. His eyes lit up as he sees him running towards his way, "Ddoong!"

Ddoong looked just as excited as his owner to see him again and runs in his arms.

Jeongguk rubs around his ears and head as he wasn't so worried anymore, "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Phew..." Jeongguk looks up at Hoseok with a grin and nods at him, his smile full of gratitude.

Hoseok nods with a smile displaying his bread cheeks as he heads his way out, leaving the two alone with each other's presence after so long.

Jeongguk begins playing with Ddoong like shaking his hand or fluffing up his golden, thick fur. He feels even more happier now that his best friend is back, and Ddoong seemed to agree as well as he boops his nose against Jeongguk's.

Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now