*[Chapter 3]*

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Ayse looks over at the concubines from upstairs, watching them eat and gossip. Probably about her she assumes. She would do the same. The harem's gossip was what kept it alive.

Being in the Harem forced you to be a concubine. Put against each other to try their best to catch the Sultan's attention relies on the gossip. Because without it, they might use other weapons besides the words they have at such easy access.

"Come, let's go to meet them and see what they're talking about." Ayse doesn't wait for the ladies in waiting to follow her as she starts walking. Hearing the sounds of feet running to meet her pace, a smirk grows on her head.

It seems she still had power.

Maria grabs the cup and brings it to her lips, sighing as she feels the water fall down her throat

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Maria grabs the cup and brings it to her lips, sighing as she feels the water fall down her throat. Today's class had been tiresome, going over the same lesson from two days ago. Yesterday's lesson was cancelled due to the birth of the baby, but now that it had resumed, it was back to the same thing they had been learning. And Maria is tired of it.

Setting the cup down and grabbing her spoon, she looks up as the doors open. Two eunichs hold it open, and everyone's head turn as Ayse Sultana walks in. Two maidens follow behind her, their heads dropping to the floor.

"Sultana, is there anything we can do for you?" A Kalfa asks as she walks towards Ayse. She dismisses her with a wave, before turning to face the other girls. As she takes small steps, her robe slightly lowers onto the ground, following her like a veil. Her eyes are mocking, as if she wants to ask the girls if they truly think she's there to check up on them. Maria feels slight burning in her body as she plays with her fingers under the table.

"So, what is it that we're talking about today? Hmm?" Two girls stiffen as Ayse suddenly drops down to sit next to them at their table. The Kalfas and eunichs stand still, unsure on what to do. Correcting and telling a Sultana would be punishable, but letting her stay in the common Harem room would be seen as unheard of and uncomfortable for the other girls. Ayse raises her eyebrows, leaning into one of the shaking girls.

"Well, what are we talking about?" She asks again, drawing out the end of her words. One of the girls scoffs, leaning into her as well.

"We aren't talking about you." She snaps, drawing her body back. The girls look at them hesitantly, waiting to see what Ayse will do. Maria remembers how she one slapped a girl for sitting in her spot at the bathhouse.

Ayse smirks, looking between all the girls before she rises up. She takes a few steps away, before she cranes her head to the side.

"Of course, as there is nothing about me to talk about. I will be with the Sultan again, and I will have his son. That'll be worthy to gossip about." As she says the last word, her mouth is drawn into a thin line and her eyes are narrowed, as if she's challenging anyone to say otherwise. Being met with silence, she turns around and leaves, letting her robes fall even more. Maria realizes she's sending a message. Try to come near her, or hurt her, and she'll trip you so hard you'll fall onto the cold hard floor.

 Try to come near her, or hurt her, and she'll trip you so hard you'll fall onto the cold hard floor

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The Beginning of A SultanaWhere stories live. Discover now