*[Chapter 4]*

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When the Valide had heard of the news of her lover and Sultan dying, she wept like no other. She stayed by his side and held his hand, not letting go until he had no energy to hold on any longer. She was the one to let it drop to his side, standing up and announcing he was dead to everyone in the room.

But, just as urgent she was to tend to her lover, she rushed to ensure her son came back in time. If any of his half brothers heard of their father's death a second before him, he too would be leaving the palace in a coffin.

So, the Valide had rushed back to the palace with her son after getting news of his death. She had been lucky that she had just enough to bribe the Eunichs and Kalfas in the palace before she had left with her son years ago. Otherwise, it would have been first come first serve for the spot of the Sultan.

The Valide did everything in her power to help those she loved. That included her lover, her son, and daughter. She would admit she was controlling, but she wasn't ashamed. Being in control in the palace was a rare thing to have. And when one has such a privilege, one does everything to protect it.

Now, the Valide's current urgency was ensuring her son produced an heir. If none of the concubines were to bear him any sons, then he would go down as a weak Sultan, no matter any of his conquests and journeys. But for the Valide, she had a few tweaks in her plan when it came to which concubine.

Ayse was supposed to be an easy target. She listened to whatever the Valide said, and wouldn't dare to defy her. Controlling Ayse would have been like controlling her servants; natural instinct to the Valide. But, now that she had a granddaughter instead of a grandson from Ayse, she had to look somewhere else. And she knew it wasn't easy.

Because like the concubines in her sons' harem, she too was confident and would often disobey what was recommended of her to get near the Sultan. To hold his heart in her hands, and promise to never break it, but still send a clear message that even the slightest grip could destroy the Sultan. So, she has to choose a girl who would never dare to stand up to the Valide, be infatuated with the Sultan, but not have their feelings reciprocated.

"Have the girls been picked for the entertainment?" The Valide asks the head Kalfa. The Kalfa lowers her head as she speaks to the Valide.

"Valide, the girls will be chosen tonight. I believe some of them already know of tonight's preparations." The Valide smirks, nodding her head.

"Good, get them excited. It'll help them try harder tonight." The Valide mutters, keeping an eye on the door. She's waiting for a special someone to inform her of some very special news.

Just then, as if the Valide had made a wish and it came true, someone knocks on the door before being let in. A servant girl.

The girl rushes over to the sitting Valide, bowing before she speaks.

"Valide, you asked me to report to you on Sultana Ayse."

"And? Get on with it." The Valide bites out, shaking her head at the stupid girl. The servant nods her head, speaking once more, quickly this time and straight to the point.

"Valide, Sultana Ayse and the Sultan had breakfast and lunch together today. They did not get intimate with each other, but he had promised her to be let in his bedroom again. After, Sultana Ayse had told the other concubines that she would be with him again after this."

The girl almost falls back in fear at how fast the Valide rises. Her eyes are ablaze, and as she stalks towards her, everyone else takes a few steps back in fear.

"What?" She asks, though she doesn't expect an answer. The servant doesn't dare to look into her eyes, only rising her head a bit before lowering it back down after feeling the Valide's stare.

The Valide swivels around, almost knocking into the tea table as she walks to the head Kalfa.

"Make sure those girls are sent tonight. And make sure Ayse has so interference with it. I will not let her jeopardize this family with her selfish ways."

     Maria rolls her shoulders, getting ready to prepare for bed

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     Maria rolls her shoulders, getting ready to prepare for bed. Today had been such a long tiresome day, and she is ready to just lie down and sleep, even if it is on an uncomfortable cot with barely any cushioning.

As she puts her papers away to prepare for bed, a Kalfa calls for the girls to stand up. Maria would usually simply stand there, letting her shoulders slouch slightly, not giving any regard to what the Kalfa would say. But, unlike before, the head Kalfa follows behind her. This not only causes Maria, but the rest of the girls to straighten up.  Some push their hair behind their shoulders, while others look down over their pants to see if there is anything on them.

Just as Maria ticks off a piece of dirt that has smudged into her robes, the head Kalfa enters the room. Looking left and right, she goes across the room in all directions, having the Kalfas follow her as she picks one girl from the next.

"Her, her, not her, you! Bow for me. Ok, her.." As she goes to each girl to analyze them, she chooses the girls.

Maria almost looks to the side, knowing they won't pick her. She hasn't done anything spectacular or attention worthy for them to notice her. And even though she has been quiet and obedient, it won't get her anywhere in the palace. You have to make yourself into something to even be remembered there. Even past princesses had fallen to cruel ways of forgetting women's existence unless they had screamed or cried or had made someone scream or cry.

No woman in the Harem was ever promised memories and honour.

As such, as Maria is about to bend down to sit back down, her arm is pulled and she stumbles as she is forced out of line. She looks up into the eyes of a dismissive Kalfa, tossing her away with no care. A Eunich pulls on her sleeve, but she rips her arm away, taking a few steps back. Her behaviour no longer temperate, the Kalfas and Eunichs pause, unsure on how to act.

The head Kalfa, however, knows and rushes over, pushing her to the ground.

"You want to defy the Valide's orders? Do you want to lose your life as well?" She spits out, actual spit falling down onto the ground. Maria's mouth turns downwards, and she tries to grip onto something, only for her palms to fall flat onto the floor. A Kalfa rushes over and raises her by Maria's elbows, telling the head Kalfa she'll deal with her. She only gives Maria a look that she would have rather roared at her and throw her in the cellars than keep her around, but she returns to picking out the other girls, now with a more forceful tug and shove.

The Kalfa takes the now shaken Maria out of the room, leading her to where the other girls are. Maria catches bits of what the other Kalfas tell them.

It all goes in one ear and out the other, as she awaits her fate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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