1 ; the beginning

943 38 5

-Body Dysmorphia

pov katsuki;

i get out of my bed after laying there, just starring at my ceiling for god knows how long. it's fucking freezing but what could you expect? I've covered the windows in my room with some black-out curtains that i bought online, they block out the sun, obviously.

i get up and stretch, my alarm didn't go off properly. which is bullshit because i paid good money for that piece of shit to actually wake me up, the speakers better not be broken

i brush my teeth and get my bag ready, i throw on my school uniform fidgeting with the tie for a minute before just throwing it to the side

'what day even is it? i could've sworn it was the weekend'
i grab my phone, it's 7:30 which means if i dont leave now im gonna be fucking late

i open my door, there's another plate of food sitting in front of it with a glass of water,i resist the urge to gag at the sight of it

i grab the water and plate and go to the kitchen, throwing the plate of food away. i turn my head and see my mom enter through the doorway

"oh, morning katsuki. haven't seen you in a while, i was about to come wake you up. see if you aren't dead of anything" she laughs at her joke, i wonder how she would feel if i actually was dead

"are you feeling alright? you haven't been eating anything. you're gonna lose a lot of weight that way"

seriously? isn't that what she wants?

"im fine. i ate a granola bar earlier"

she hums, i don't think she bought it. we probably don't even have granola in this fucking house

"i have to go hag, I'm probably gonna be late, bye" i hear her say bye to me as well while i leave
after i close the door i heard her talking to herself, it was muffled but i could make out the words

"we haven't had granola since Friday"

so i was right, we don't have granola.
now to think of how to get out of this when she inevitably interrogates me for lying when i get back

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