3 ; recaps

145 5 1

-3rd person-

Katsuki focused back on the present, class was boring and it was the same stuff as always.
The bell rang and he started putting his things back into his bag, he threw it over his shoulder and walked out of the room.

'hey, uh, himiko or whatever' he's really talking to a voice in his head, god he's lost finally it hasn't he?

'hiya! still here' she was surprisingly fast to respond, assuming she had left because of how boring this school can be.

he continued his way through the building and towards the exit doors

'you said it's Wednesday, what happened while i was, uhh, out? or not here, or whatever, i wanna know what's going on'

this was so frustrating, how the hell is he supposed to be a hero if he couldn't even remember what day it was?

being left in the dark about something was one of the many things that pissed katsuki off, ironically that seems to be a reoccurring theme with this whole disorder. does everyone with DID just start talking to people in their head? or was it just because he only recently found out about it.

the other alters probably had tons of conversations before letting katsuki in on their little secret, which is honestly stupid seeing as it's his body and head they're using.

'right! okay so..' she dragged on her words, trying her best to dig through the amnesia barriers and remember what happened this week.

'i think you stopped fronting sunday, but on monday we didn't have heroics, we had english and mathematics though!'

'we always have math, it's a daily course?'
a headache started forming right behind katsukis eyes, he'd have to take some Tylenol when he got back to his house.

'well, yeah, but you wanted a recap so stop complaining!! both myself and esther were fronting- er, you haven't met him yet because apparently you had no idea about this system.. but yesterday was the same as monday except we had heroics. and yeah that's it'

Himiko finished the quick recap of monday and tuesday, katsuki was surprised that more didn't happen but there was probably some things himiko couldn't remember.

he walked out of the building and towards the bus station, he only had to wait a few minutes for the bus to pull up. as he got on, he decided he was going to research this entire disorder once he got back, his homework could wait.

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