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Hello, all!

I have a secret to tell you guys!

I'M FUCKING BUSY!!! I'm sooooo sorry for not posting anything new. Gurrr!!

I have been dealing with sooo much stuff but the main issue is I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THE STORY!!!

Yall dont comment, which means I dont know what to do!! I take requests!!!

I just dont know what to do. 

Tell you guys what...PM me ur name, idea, and fav band member and at the end of April, I will post what band member one, and I will post 1 chapter per idea sent in!

And also, I'm doing a "win a $25 iTunes gift card" thingy. PM me for more details! btw it is randomized. I do NOT play favorites :-)

Anyway, I hope you guys understand!


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