Task 2 - Entries

135 2 9

Jessica McCoy

"Come on, Jessica, or you'll be late! The train leaves at eleven!"

"I'm coming, mom! Teddy doesn't want to go in the cage!"

"The just put him on the leash!"

"All right!"

The whole morning was hectic as we tried to get my dog into his cage, which is a very difficult endeavor when it's the travel cage. Ellie was an easier move. I know I said I wasn't bringing her, but I just couldn't leave her with my mom's dog on the loose. My mom's Yorkie named Roxie, but we call her Sissie, doesn't like Ellie in the least. Any time those two are anywhere near each other, they fight, and it's almost impossible for my mother and I to separate them, they almost killed each other once. Once we were ready, mom packed my bags in the trunk of the car, and I decided that it wasn't fair to Ellie to leave her in the cage when Teddy got to be out, so I put her on a leash as well, and both of them sat happily on my lap in the car. Once at King's Cross, we had difficulty finding the platform we needed until I saw Mrs. Weasley and her crew.

"Fred, look. It's Jessica!" I heard George call out as he started waving my mother and I over.

"Hello, Jessica, dear," Mrs. Weasley greeted me once we were over with her roudy group of children.

"Good morning, Mrs. Weasley," I replied.

"Call me Molly, dear," she said to me, then turned to my mother. "I can take her from here if you need, deary."

"Thank you," mom replied and hugged me goodbye. She bent down to pat Ellie and Teddy on the heads, then left the station.

"What beautiful creatures," Mrs. Weasley commented to me. "What kind of animal are they?"

"Yorkshire Terriers," I replied. "I've had them since they were twelve weeks old. This one's Teddy, and this is Ellie," I introduced pointing to each in turn.

Teddy has the long, soft, dark hair that Yorkies are known for with a beautiful brown face. Ellie on the other hand has coarse grey hair with a light tan face, and her hair wasn't overly long. Yes, Yorkie's have hair not fur; their hair is a lot like human hair, and because of the hair, they're hypoallergenic since they don't produce pet dander.

"What are Yorkies?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"It's a breed of dog, mum. Jessie here told us about them while we were in Diagon Alley," Fred jumped in, and I glared at him for calling me Jessie.

Mrs. Weasley smiled, and told us, "We best get going through the barrier before it's too late."

Percy went through first followed by Charlie then Fred then George. After them, Mrs. Weasley beckoned me to follow the boys' lead, and I ran through the wall to an amazing sight. There was the most amazing train I had ever seen, and I quickly climbed on after taking my luggage to where they were loading it. I easily found an empty seat, and waited for the twins to appear. When they showed up, they brought a friend.

"Jessie, this is our old friend Lee Jordan. He's in our year, and lives rather close to our house," Fred told me.

"I told you both not to call me Jessie! I hate that name!" I yelled at them making my dogs jump. "Don't make me have the dogs bite you."

Teddy growled threateningly just to prove my point. He's always been rather protective of me. Fred threw up his hands, "Okay, okay. We'll stop."

I smiled, and we started talking about the pranks the boys planned to do until a boy with shaggy black hair and deep obsidian eyes stepped into our section of the train car.

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