Merope Cowell Riddle (ofg316)

117 1 6

Name: Merope Cowell Riddle

House: Slytherin

Personality/Characteristics: She is the average Slytherin, somewhat of a jerk, but cunning and a good friend. She is smart, only at the subjects she likes, and loves quidditch. She is a good artist, and loves to sketch. Merope is mischievous, and sneaky. She tries to get through her school assignments being paired up with her worst enemy, who might just turn into one of her most trustworthy friends. When she isn't in class, or at Hogsmeade, she is sneaking off into the forbidden forest.

Appearance: Dirty blonde hair, a little past the shoulders. Side bangs that hang into her eyes. Her eyes are steel blue, and are almond-shaped. She has a scar just below her left eye. Her usual attire includes skinny jeans, long sleeve shirts (to hide her dark mark), and either her buckled knee high converse, or her regular green  converse.

Blood Status: Pure Blood

Description of Wand: Yew, 16 inches, Phoenix Feather Core

Favorite Class/Activity: Care of Magical Creature; Defense Against the Dark Arts; and Transfiguration

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