Sera Nicolas (Sophia13Xx)

139 5 3

Name: Sera Nicolas

House: Sytherin

Characteristics/Personality: Sera is Intelligent, strong, complicated, outgoing, tough, fiery, empathetic, strong willed and stands up for what she believers in and speaks her mind. She can be blunt, and frequently says what's on her mind. She loves danger, and is wild. She can be harsh and closes off her emotions. Sera is cunning, self-interested, and amoral, willing to do just about anything to get what she wants. She can be quite insightful when she puts her mind to understanding someone. Deep down she is caring and protective and loving. Sera is dangerous passionate irrational and sarcastic. When she loves; which is rare as she doesn’t let anyone get that close, the devotion goes very deep, past all reason.

Apperance: Gorgeous brunette, slender athletic body with an amazing energy and smile, and blue sparkling eyes.

Blood Status: Muggle Born (The first ever to be accepted into Sytherin)

Description of Wand: Twelve inches, phoenix feather, willow

Favourite Class/Activity: Defence against the Dark arts, Potions and Transfiguration. Flying she wants to be a seeker.

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