The Thuril

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The true magical dragon

Life span: unknown
Size:30 feet long
Habitat: unknown
Speed fly:1000 miles per hour
Speed walk:360 miles per hour
Speed swim:125 miles per hour
Breath weapon: black smoke
Color variations:yellow,purple,blue,green or red
2 wings, 2 legs

Thuril are thought to be the only true magical dragons as they can control plants, weather and sometimes even people. Some can even travel through time or visit people's dreams. Some even warship these dragons like gods Thuril are the rarest of dragons as no one knows where they live or nest. I was able to encounter a Thuril during the miirik festival. It was beautiful unlike anything I had seen before as I stood admiring it. It came up to me and started to speak to to me. It had said that many like me have tried to document dragons and there behavior but have failed or ended up hunting them down and killing them. It then said it appreciated what I was doing then gave me a small trinket as a thanks. That I have know turned in to a lucky amulet.

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