The Hesjing

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The serpentine dragon

Life span: about 304 years
Size: 20 feet long
Diet: any type of fish
Habitat:shallow reefs
Speed swim:1075 miles per hour
Breath weapon: none
No wings,2 flippers
Color variations: gray,blue or green

Hesjing are the fastest Dragons when it comes to swimming. These dragons are uncommon to see unless you live near tropical locations such as Griffin reef.These dragons are able to go on land for a short time to lay there eggs in the sand much like turtles. I saw One of these dragons when I was scuba diving near the talon islands. I was lucky it didn't consider me as lunch instead it swam circles around me curious then bumped in to me and swam off. I noticed that this individual had a large scar on the side of it's neck as if a harpoon had struck it and just missed.

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