The Caesin

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The forest dragon

Life span:750 years old
Size:8 feet tall
Speed swim:75 miles per hour
Speed fly: 100 miles per hour
Speed walk:85 miles per hour
Breath weapon: venom
Diet: small rodents, birds and insects
Color variations:green,brown or gray
2 wings,4 legs

Caesin are the smallest of dragons but don't let that fool you they also have a venomous bite. They lay there eggs in decaying leaves or logs and are considered the protectors of the forests by many. I was able to find one of these dragons in a forest that I have come to learn know is called the Silver Forest. The dragon was sniffing at the air as if it where searching for something then put it's snout under a small log and flipped it up there lay a nest with small Caesin chicks inside.I backed away from my hiding spot and left as to not disturb the parent or chicks. WARNING do not look for Caesin with out proper protection as there is no known antidote to Caesin venom.

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