Chapter 10- Lies

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I stare back at my mum and Marcus wondering what the hell is going on how do they know each other?.

My mum just keeps staring at Marcus, he stands there rooted to the floor.
I look at my mum then "how do you know each other?" I ask waiting for a answer. She looks at me lost for words trying to figure out what to say.

"Taylor what are you doing with this guy?" she says like Marcus is someone bad for me. I look to Marcus for answers but he looks away.

"what the hell is going on here!?" I demand
"Taylor sit down there's a lot I have to tell you about your dad" she says as she motions me to sit on the chair near the table. I sit down and Marcus follows my actions.
"Mum I already know Marcus told me everything about dad being a vampire I cant believe I'm even saying this I know he's alive" She looks at me with eyes wide open shocked that I already knew. "what I want to know is how the heck do you know each other?" I say again because know one is answering me.
Marcus speaks first "Taylor... " but my mum cuts him off with a glare in his direction. "honey your dad as you know is a vampire and Marcus and him were friends I met him a few times" she said pointing at Marcus.
"wait so you know my mum? " I look at Marcus for answers he looks back at me with a apologetic smile "I was going to tell you Taylor..." I cut him off.

"This is all to much" I say as I hastily get out of the chair and run to the front door I hear my mum and Marcus shout my name but I don't loom back I keep running until far away enough that I cant see my house why did he not tell me? I thought I could trust him I guess I was wrong. I pull my phone out of my jean pocket and call the only person I want to talk to right now. She picks up right away "Taylor you better be sick are something I haven't heard from you in two weeks I have texted you like 30 times, you better have a good excuse" she says pissed I say what comes to mind "my dad's a vampire, so is Marcus" I hear her take a sharp exhale through the line. "well as excuses go that's a really good one"
"can I come over? I feel like I can't trust anyone"
"of course you can"
"quick question is peter there?"
"no why?"
"long story but you need to know something about your brother"
We hang up as I tell her I will be at her house in half an hour.
I look through my phone and Veronica was right text notifications keep popping up I read through all them which are all from her.

Why are you not at school?.
Taylor where are you?.
Taylor this isn't funny.
Taylor seriously.
Taylor you just missed school.
You better have a good excuse for ignoring me. 😑
Pick up your phone dude.
Pick it up.
Text back.
Are you okay?.
Please tell me your okay.
Text back
A week seriously contact me
Taylor I'm worried
Are you okay?
Text me
Where are you?
I went to your house your mum said your at a friend's house
I'm worried now
Text me
I read ever text she wasn't kidding she texted me 30 times I feel so bad now she was worrying I wasn't texting back I'm an awful friend.

I walk to veronicas house which isn't that far from where I am now probably a few blocks down, on my way there I cant help but think about my mum and Marcus how could he not tell me? I thought he told me everything.

I'm so stupid for even trusting him sure it was a small with hold of the truth on his part but it takes me time to trust people, he broke that trust even if it was a small lie he broke my trust I don't know how I'm think about that.

Before I know it I'm outside veronicas house I don't know how I'm going to tell her about her brother being a vampire even thinking it it's ridiculous she's going to think I'm nuts.

This day has been so long I just need to get It over and done with I knock on the front door. A few months ago I could of used the door bell but some kids during Halloween broke it for fun.

So I wait for her to come to the door I hear footsteps as the door opens up and veronica engulfs me into a hug practically squeezing the life out of me.

She finally releases me just to slap me on the arm, I cradle it and look at her like she's crazy "what was that for?" I say "That's for not answering my texts are calls for two damn weeks and now your talking about vampires, what is going on?"

"I'll tell you everything just let me sit down I've been running for a while" we both sit down on the sofa in the living room.

I blurt out everything about my dad being a vampire that Marcus is one too and my mum has known all about it she looks at me with her mouth open and her eyes wide as anything.

"No wonder you went mia for two weeks so you were at his apartment for those weeks did anything happen may I ask" she says with a hopeful expression on her face.

"Stop it veronica he's a vampire nothing can happen and he lied to me you know what I'm like about trusting people it's hard for me."

"Yeah yeah but he didn't really lie he just didn't tell you there's a difference and seriously nothing happened you lived with him for two weeks and nothing happened?"

"Are you siding with him vee? and something might of happened but nothing like your thinking and I'm not going to tell you so stop asking"

"I knew it" she said as she clapped her hands together.

"So what happens next?" she asked

"I don't know Marcus said there vampires after me because there looking for my farther I'm suppose to be in danger I don't know what to do vee"

"You can stay here" she says like she's not taking no for a answer.

"Veronica I need to tell you something else I cant stay here because your brother is a vampire he's working for Caroline he's trying to kill my dad"

"God Taylor you just love springing these surprises on me Peter really he's a vampire?"

"Yes he is and I know it's hard to take in, it was hard for me too but it's not safe for you in this house"

I hear a noise from up stairs and look at veronica "you said peter wasn't here who's up stairs?" she looks as clueless as me.

"I honestly don't know Taylor.

We get up from the sofa and make are way up stairs veronica looks back at me with a worried expression, "we shouldn't be going up here unarmed what if its an intruder?" I say

"Calm down Taylor it's probably just peter I know you said he's a vampire but he would never hurt me I'm his sister" she sounded so sure of her self but I wasn't so sure the way he acted he was terrifying.

I'm terrified now for veronica's sake he could hurt her he wasn't the same peter anymore he was a ruthless vampire that wouldn't think twice of killing anyone that got in his way even his sister.

We make it to the landing and hear rustling in veronica's room this is not right I have a really bad feeling.

"Veronica I think we should go"

"No I'm going to face who ever it is I don't run"

We slowly open her door with a creak what we see beyond that door surprises both of us and pisses me off.

That's chapter 10 I hope you like it don't forget to vote and comment xoxo

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