Chapter 8

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It was so loud, it shook my ear drums. My head began hurting almost instantly and I screamed at her to stop it but she couldn't hear me.

The vibrations from the speaker were too much for me to handle. I could feel my ear drums shaking instead of my head.

It seemed like hours had passed by. I wasn't screaming anymore, just silently crying and wishing it would end.

They were playing my favorite song, but it didn't sound the way I remembered it. It was distorted and was way too loud.

Just when I thought I would pass out from the pressure in my head, the official turned the speakers off and stood up from her chair inside the control room.

She walked towards me and not so carefully unstrapped me from the chair. She tried to make me walk, but I was too weak to stand. I saw her speak into her radio, but all I could hear was a buzzing in my ears. Then the world got blurry and dark.

The next thing I remember was waking up in a bed. My head was still hurting, but significantly less than before. I was in a room that looked like a prison cell, except there were no bars.

I waited in the bed until the officer from yesterday came into my room.

"Oh good, you're up. We will take you back home then," she said without even looking at me. She paused for a bit before she spoke again. "Also, we might call you back to the center again at some point within the next couple of months depending on... circumstances. You won't be punished, but we might ask you to carry out a mission for us."

With that she brought me to my feet and walked me out of the center. We got into an official marked vehicle and began the drive to my dwelling.

I could see that the sun was starting to go down, meaning that it would likely be night time by the time I got home. I wondered if my roommates had any idea where I was. I also wondered what the official meant by, "carry out a mission for us."

God I was so fucking tired. My entire body hurt from passing out. My ear drums weren't ringing as much anymore, but I was in utter pain.

I was angry too. I was so angry that I had gotten myself into this mess. I wanted to hit things and I just wanted to be held. Everything hurt.

"Oh, by the way," she spoke glaring at me from the car mirror, "If you tell anyone about the details of your punishment or about the possibility that you might be brought back to complete a mission, we will kill you immediately."

Oh, wow. She didn't even bother to spare me in her delivery.

At that point I was too tired to even care. My eyes were watering and I really just wanted to get out of the car and get back home.

When I arrived home and walked through the door, Andrew was waiting for me. I didn't see anyone else around so I walked over to the control panel and locked entry into the main part of the house for everyone besides us. Then, I walked straight to Andrew and wrapped my arms around him.

He wrapped his arms back around me and held me as I began crying. My tears were streaming down onto his shoulder but I couldn't keep them in any longer.

He tried to shush me from my crying, but I couldn't really understand any of his words.

Eventually, I calmed down. My tears dried up and I pulled back from Andrew's embrace. I looked up at his concerned face and giggled a little bit through my sadness.

Of course I would find myself crying in the arms of my best friend. He was so understanding and would do anything to keep me happy.

His concerned expression never faded, but his eyes were looking at me with nothing but pure love.

Something inside of me urged me to lean forward and the next thing I knew, we were kissing. We had kissed many times before, but this time Andrew was kissing me differently. I couldn't exactly explain it but it wasn't like our usually sexually charged kisses. It was a lot softer.

I wasn't interested in whatever he was trying to do right now. I needed something that was passionate and to be honest, I was absolutely looking for more than just kissing from him.

The second I trailed my hand down his pants he pulled away from me harshly.

"Andrew? What was that for?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing," he responded. "I just don't think it's the best idea for us to do that right now. It's late and we need to talk about what happened and where you've been."

I looked at him unsure of whether or not to reveal what had happened. I realized that I couldn't tell him no matter how much I trust him.

"It really wasn't anything big. I went home with someone and accidentally passed out from the alcohol I drank. I ended up missing work duty because of it. They just kind of gave me a slap on the wrist for it. I was crying because the stress of passing out was just too much for my body. I'm just really tired. You're right. We should both get to bed," I said trying to seem as if I was telling the total truth.

I don't know if he saw past it but he decided not to try to argue. I was still in shock and a tiny bit hurt that he pulled away from me.

"Alright. Goodnight, Kai," he said, hugging me lightly before walking away.

"Goodnight," I called after him.

"Wait. Does anyone else know that I went home with the guy from the bar?" I asked, hoping that Emelia didn't see what happened.

"No," he responded. "Nobody even saw you with him. The officials didn't tell us anything besides that you were coming home soon."

"Okay, thanks," I replied with a fake smile.

Once he walked out of sight I walked towards my own room.

I couldn't tell him the real reason why I went home with Isaac. I didn't even know why to be honest. It's not like I had feelings for Emelia, I just didn't want to see her with someone else I guess. Getting drunk and going home with him felt like the best way to distract myself at the time.

It was also a bit weird that Andrew jumped back like that considering that he never turns down the opportunity for sex but given the circumstances, it kind of made sense, I guess.

When I entered my room I saw that Emelia was in the bathroom in front of the mirror.

"Hey," I said facing towards the bathroom.

She looked at me through the mirror and said nothing.

"Okay," I muttered under my breath.

I honestly did not have time to deal with her. I have no idea why she was ignoring me once again, but I just needed to sleep and not deal with her coldness again.

I couldn't help but look back at her in the mirror once again. I mentally scolded myself for doing it, before I walked over to my bed and crashed.

I didn't have the energy to get ready for bed. I just fell right asleep as soon as I made contact with my pillow.

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