Chapter 11: I'm sorry; I thought you wanted it too

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A/N: Hey guys! I really hope you like this chapter. This one is for the Barry shippers! But I think that this chappie is rather long. Oh well!

Chapter 11: I'm sorry; I thought you wanted it too

Harry's POV

After Sophie was released from the hospital, we can finally have some fun and enjoy our vacation. We had a vote and decided to go clubbing tonight. So Bri and I went down to the lobby of our 5 star hotel to find some information. We asked the man there the best club in Maui. Once that was done, we informed the gang and got ready. The limo Liam ordered for all of us would be at the hotel in about 2 hours so we had to hurry.

We had two different rooms, in the first room, there was me, Louis, Sophie, Niall and Kenzie.  In the other room which was smaller than ours was Bri, Liam, Anji and Zayn.  Kenzie wasn’t too happy about the fact that Bri and her had to be split up, but Niall and Louis wanted her with them.

I was getting ready in my room when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in", I yelled.

Louis walked through the door, "hey Hazza, glad to see you naked for about the thousandth time". He said sheepishly.

It was true. Louis has seen me naked way more times than I've seen him naked. Back at home, when we lived together, we would only fool around naked when we were either drunk or bored.

"What do you need Lou?"

"Nothing, I was just stopping by," he looked at me curiously, "why, you don't want me here?" He said looking hurt.

I chuckled softly, "no Boo, I'm actually glad you're here, I wanted to talk to you about Bri."

Louis raised an eyebrow at me, "really? What do you want to talk about?"

"Well I really like Bri and I want to make a good impression on her." I said while putting on some boxers.

Louis looked confused, "but I thought you said that you two already committed your love for each other?" He said overly dramatic.

"No Lou, we have not committed our love for each other, idiot," I muttered the 'idiot' part, "I want to make a good impression on Bri so she will like me who I am. Besides, I sort of forgot how to love. How to treat a girl the right way. I haven't been in this situation for about over a year now, and I'm scared I'm going to screw it all up."

"Now that my friend is a lie. You'll do just fine with Bri and uh, Haz, I'm no stalker but I think that already happened, she said that she likes you. You said that you like her too. It’s a no brainer that you guys are far from the friend zone. Bri likes you for a reason; if you weren't trying then, then why start now. She likes you for who you are. Don't ever change that."

I took everything in that Louis said.  After a long pause, I said, "wow, thanks Lou, I think I know what I'm going to do."

"Glad I can help", and with that, he walked to the door and looked back, "oh and Haz, in case I won't get the chance to talk to you before the night's over, try not to do anything stupid."

I chuckled, "I'll try my best".


We arrived at the club with the big flashing, colorful lights shining the place up. I grabbed Bri by the hand and immediately dragged her to the bar to pump us up for the night.

"Two vodka cranberry drinks please", I told the bartender with a big beard around his mid forties.

He nodded and went to get our drinks.

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