Chapter 4: So you guys...?

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Chapter 4: So You Guys...?


"COME ON HARRY OR WE'RE LEAVING WITHOUT YOU" I yelled up the stairs to him

“I’m coming I'm coming he said back

“Well come on I have the boat keys do you have the car keys" I asked Harry

“Yes now come on lets go" he complained ushering me and Kenz through the door and into the car .

"Why are we going swimming anyways?" she asked. I couldn't tell her the real reason was because I wanted to make my move so I told her I was felling fishy today. She laughed.

"We’re here” I heard Harry say

“Kenzie do you mind getting the wet suits while I talk to Harry " I told her

“Um sure take as long as you want I'll be waiting at the boat " she said

“What?" Harry said confusedly

"Listen here is how its going to go down your going to say your feeling bad and that you’re going to go home k?" I tried tell him I wanted to be alone with Kenzie but I couldn't say that out loud .

“Why?" he asked still not up to date

"I'm trying to make my ‘move’ " I said using air quotes. I could see on his face that he finally understood.

“Oh got it" he said with a wink.

“Good so we're ok then for mission Harry goes home and Niall gets the girl " I explained.

"Ok now go get your girl" he told me slapping my shoulder. I was excited now not waiting for the right time to ask but I had too or I could totally mess things up.

“Hey where’s Harry " Kenzie asked.

“He said he was feeling sick”

“Oh should I go see if he's ok" she asked concerned

"No he's a big boy he can handle himself" I assured her

"Ok lets go you still need to teach me how to drive this thing " she said looking up at the big boat. It was mine but we all shared our stuff so I thought why shouldn't share my boat .


“So this is the throttle and this is the wheel " I said pointing to the things on the dash board

“No shit Sherlock " she said to me turning around “so how do we start it " she asked

“Put the key in the ignition and press start then push the throttle and just steer” she fallowed the directions and did them perfectly too.

"Now you’re going to want to turn this way” I stood right behind her putting my arms around her and clenching the wheel above her hands and turning it slightly .

“How do you know so much about boats" she said turning around so our lips were only inches away.

“I don't know" I said, then the boat started to turn. She quickly snapped out of it and straightened the wheel out from under my hands.


So close yet so far I thought. I was so close to kissing Niall and yet so far. "I'm going to get my wet suit on” I said breaking the awkward silence. I quickly slipped out of his arms and grabbed my clothes, stepping into one of the many rooms on the boat. This thing was huge. It was white and big. It had three decks the captains room were the dash board thingy was , the main deck were the kitchen , bathroom, and TV room is , and the third deck had three small cock pits. I changed in one of them. they weren't to small but small enough . they were a half oval shaped bed \ half the room . The room was oval shaped to begin with, the other half was occupied by a really small dresser and a wall mirror. I changed quickly and looked at myself in the mirror I wore a neon pink bikini with white dots and a big white sun hat. I also wore, the same pink, flip flops.

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