Chapter 13: Aw! That's so cute!

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CHAPTER 13: Aw! That's so cute!

Sophie's POV

"Wake up gorgeous it's 11:30", Louis said to me shaking me. Ever since they got back from the meeting with management, Louis has been acting weird and I guess you could say, "sucking up" to me.

"Hi babe", I said in my grouchy sleepy voice. Exhaling morning breath and stretching, I reached up and grabbed his bare shoulders and pulled him on top of me and flipped us so I was on top. His face looked shocked then relaxed and he moved his hands from his sides to rub my bare back. After last night the look in his eyes was exactly what I needed. But of course we moved rooms and so did Kenzie and Niall. Makes you think huh?

"Last night was great", he said kissing my forehead, "no regrets?"

"No regrets. Why would I regret something that was amazing?"

Louis chuckled to himself. It was perfect in my opinion. Of course it wasn't my first time either. I lost it in grade 12 to a jerk named Reese Clareston. But don't be all, "shame on you" Kenzie lost it to an idiot named Ryan Martin who was so wasted he called her grandma in the middle of it in grade 12 too. But what you going to do about it now?

"Yeah, glad you liked it", I teased pulling him in for another kiss.

Louis kissed me back and started working up the magic again. But before I get caught in the moment, I pulled away, "again? How many rounds do you need?" I asked looking up in his gorgeous eyes.

"As many as I can get, babe". He said kissing my neck making me groan.

"What is this? Round 3?"

"More like round 10", he said looking up at me and winking.

Louis rolled me over again so he was putting part of his weight on me, "I love you so much."

Did he say what I think he just said? Yes of course, he said it to me before multiple of times. Did he? I don't know, my hormones are taking over my body, I don't even know what day it is today.

"I love you more". He smiled and was back to kissing me all around.


After round 3, or 10, whatever, I wrapped myself in a blanket and head towards the shower to rinse off all the sweat I worked up. As I turned on the shower I heard Lou answer the phone. Trying not to ease-drop, I stepped into the warm water and let it wash my worries away.

"No I haven't told her yet, I will lat-" I heard Louis say over the shower.

What was he talking about?


"Kenz wait!" I heard Niall say running off after me down the board walk. He quickly caught up and grabbed my hand to turn me around.

"Please just leave me alone" I said to Niall a bit to harshly as I was aiming for. He pulled me closer to him so we were touching and wrapped both of his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Please Kenzie, what's wrong?" Niall said with concern in his eyes.

I thought about telling him about it but I just couldn't. He looked so happy and it would just ruin his day. And he would never live his life in the moment he would just being with me. My eyes started to tear up just by thinking of it.

"Shhhh Kenzikenz, it's okay baby", Niall said shushing me and pulling me in so I could cry into his shirt, and boy did I ever cry.

"I can't tell you" I told him. And it was true if I told him about the phone call I got from my upset mother 2 months ago then he would not HATE me just be dissapointed that I didn't tell him earlier.

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