Authors Note

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Hello All!

So this is my third wattpad story and I cannot believe how many people have read the others already this is so unbelievable and if you've read my Bucky Fic or Jefferson (OUAT) Fic I love you! 

If this is your first time reading any of my works I also love you and I really hope you enjoy!

This is a fanfic based on the film adaptation of  'The Devil All The Time' which has lots of Trigger Warnings. Examples: Death, Violence, Suicide, Murder, Corruption, Sexual Acts, Guns, Blood, Strong Language, Religious Talk, Non- PC views and outdated ways of thinking mostly towards women etc. Set in Ohio/West Virginia in the 50s and 60s. 

Like with all my works I don't own any of the characters except Y/N ( i own you ;) ahah jokes) but Y/N will be fitted into the storyline. This is a Lee Bodecker x Reader Story. 

I will attempt to keep this story as close the the film as possible to you would be able to read along with the film if that makes sense but obviously it is a work of fiction and may stray. 

The Narrators parts will be in italics and I will do my best to write in the accent but I've never done it before so bare with me! Feedback is always welcome!

Happy Reading! 

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