Knockemstiff, Meade, Ohio 1965

1.7K 47 6

Honeycomb by Jimmie Rodgers plays on the radio

♪ Honeycomb 

Well it's a darn good life

And it's kinda funny 

How the Lord made the bee
And the bee made the honey 

And the honeybee lookin' for a home 

 And they called it honeycomb... ♪

Y/N always had liked that song, a reminder of the times before Lee had climbed to greatness, before she was a mother to the town, before the bribing, before the threats, before Leroy and when she still thought it was safe to start a family.  

There was a loud knocking on the door, an almost urgent sound. 

"I'm comin'... keep ya goddam hair on" you mutter the last bit thinking it was Lee forgetin' summit. You wipe your hands on your apron then walk to the door.

"You know you coulda just..." As you open the door you're greeted not by your husband but by Leroy's tall dumb as fuck henchmen. You quickly try to shut the door but before you can he smacks it open, wide. The sound echoing though the empty house. You try to push him out the door but he just punches you in the face, catching your eye and you fall to the floor. He walks straight over to the fireplace and removes a wobbly brick, the place you'd been hidin' all your Daddy's money, the money you'd been paying' Leroy to leave you alone. 

**Flashback - A Few Years Earlier**

"Now tell me why, I would leave a pretty little thang like you alone when Bodecker's gonna owe me the world for helping him keep getting elected?" He leaned back in his chair. 

You reach into your bra and pull out a small wad of cash throwing it down towards him over the table. "Theres more o' that, I was savin' but I will pay you on a regular basis and you leave me alone and don't touch a damn hair on my husbands head..." you say face stern. Leroy's eyes lit up slightly as he counted the cash but he wanted to see how far he could push you. 

"I got money.... what if I don't want it?" 

"Oh Leroy, you about as see-through as a winda'... I know you want the money but I will give you a little extra" you lean over the table smirking as you watch him lick his lips. "You leave me damn well alone and I won't bust your favourite whore..." you whisper and he face goes white. 

"What you talkin' about?" He stiffens and backs away as you do slowly smiling.

"I'm sayin' I'll put your favourite little Sandy in jail if you don't co-operate with me..."

"You love Lee to much, you wouldn't dare..." He huffs but still looks worried. 

"You'll be surprised the lengths I would go to to protect my husband.... now I'm going to get up and leave and I won't ever see your face again..." You get up Bobo is about to stop you when Leyroy moves his hand to tell him to let you go. 

**Flashback end**

As you watch the man take the money, you're too in shock to try to stop him. You start to stand slowly trying to make it to the phone to call Lee. 

"Where are you goin'?" He snaps his head up. Stuffing the money in his pocket and talking over to you, backing you into a wall. 

"How'd you know?" You stare at him deadpan. 

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