Wishful Thinking

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You shudder, as a shovelful of dirt thumps on coffin lid. You had spend the last few days with the Russell's trying to help. There was no miracle, Charlotte was dead, Arvin had lost his mother and Willard had lost his will to live. You made your mind up then and there, that there was no lord in heaven, you hadn't been sure before, now you were certain. 

More dirt is pilled onto of the grave, thump, thump.

Willard drives you back to the house where you had parked your car and left a pie on the doorstep

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Willard drives you back to the house where you had parked your car and left a pie on the doorstep.  

"I'm thinking we might take us a trip" Willard says aloud, too Arvin but also to let you know "Go down and visit your grandma in Coal Creek....You can meet Uncle Earskell...and that girl that's living with them...she's just a little younger than you.....maybe we'll stay for a while." 

Arvin doesn't say a word, he opens the car door and heads to the front porch, picking up the pie and heading inside. 


"He'll be alright Willard... he just needs time... perhaps you should let him bury the dog?" You lean over from the back seat and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 

"I can't believe she's gone..."

"She's with you both, in here" you touch his chest gently. He looks up at you sadly. 

"We're gonna need some time... but I'll call ya before we leave..." You nod, squeezing his shoulder once more before getting out the car and into your own. 

. . .

You had no idea if Lee would show up, but you got ready anyway. After all the emotions of loosing Charlotte you realised how precious life was and how you weren't gonna waste a single minute of it. You'd make an effort tonight if he showed and if not that was it. 

You heard the car pull up on the gravelly drive and you walked to the front door with your hands on your hips.

"Look what the cat dragged in.." You say sternly but with a smirk on your face. 

"Now that's no way to talk to a figure of authority is it sweetness?" He mocks you. Lee loved everything about holding some power, you knew he enjoyed having power over you too but that's part of the reason you liked him so much. 

"Now come on baby, I got to keep movin'." He held open the passenger seat for you and you stepped in. You drove around a while before parking up in a quiet spot by the woods. 


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