chapter one

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new question!

who's your fav character?
mines kazuha, his style is fun, i like what i've seen from his back story so far. (it's kinda sad tho tbh.)

i love how xiao and kazuha's va's are best friends (japanese i think)


birds croacked as the sun lay high, the curtains opening slightly with every gust of wind, letting light pass through.

the wind blew slightly, with it wafted the light smell of salt and the sea.

the light haired man blinked a few times as he focused on what he was looking at. quickly he sat up, but immediately fell bad down due to intense pain.

"tsk. idiot" the mysterious voice said in distaste.

he slowly looked up at the other, directly into his dark blue eyes.

he observed the other's face, examining, watching how his face would turn into a scowl.

he had slightly round eyes and a frown that seemed too be permanently stuck too his face.

even with that, he still looked stunning. his hair was blue like the night sky, it reminded the other of the nights in-

"hey. stop that." he clocked his fingers in front of the other's eyes.

kazuha blinked as he re-focused onto the matter at hand. he slowly but surgot up, leaning against the bed in slight pain.

"where are we?" he politely asked. the other day down on a chair by the foot of his bed.

"we are in liyue if that's what you're wondering." the stranger replied.

the younger felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulder. he let out a sigh, a slight smile landing on his face.

the older quirked an eye brow, sitting up properly.

"why the smile? and, who are you?oh and not too forget, why the hell were you washed up on my shore???"

he got heated towards the end and jumped out of his seat, causing he other too slightly lean backwards with enlarged eyes.

with a sigh, he calmed himself down and sat back down.

"my apologies, how could i have forgotten my manners. i'm kaedehara kazuha, of the kaedehara clan. tho that doesn't really matter if i'm being honest.." he murmured the last part too himself as the other raised an eye brow at him.

"and why do you have this... vision?" he waved around an anemo vision in front of the other.

kazuha's eyes widened as he reached out for it before the other pulled it back.

"ah ah ah, first, mr, i want a full explanation of how the hell you got here." he warned, placing it back down on the table.

"alright.." the samurai sighed once more, as he began too explain, well, practically everything.


i hope you enjoyed

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