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I dedicate this chapter to my wonderful friend Princessofanimeworld because she is a wonderful person.

Might as well check her story it is called 'dirty secrets with a kiss' she is a good writer. Go check her work on her profile.

Thanks guys!!


I look at the hokage's eyes broodingly which he exchange with a quizzical look. I don't really know how to ask him about what Iruka-sensei told us about the hokage's 'strict order'.

"Hmm... Lord hokage." I began. He peered at me trough hooded eyes. I really don't know if this was worth asking but I want to know.

"Iruka-sensei told us that you ask him or ordered him that Sasuke and I should not be separated, under strict orders. What is the meaning of that if you don't mind me asking."

He puff a smoke from his pipe before gazing down at me. I saw his eyes widen in the slightest.

"I just don't want to separate you in order for the both of you to train together, no matter how unfair it is to the other students to put both Uchiha in one team, I know it's the right thing to do." He puff on his pipe again as he fixed his gaze to me.

"And besides, I don't want to see competition between you two, knowing that you only got each others back to rely on. Am I clear now my child?"

I look away, brooding at the window as the rain starts to fall. I was not contented on what the hokage said but I choose to believed him knowing that it's what he said and part of it were true, I only got Sasuke to rely on. I nodded solemnly and thanked him for the answers he gave me. I may not believe it but I know sooner or later I will gain knowledge on his real purpose. Maybe now is not the time.

Before I leave lord hokage called my name regarding me with an affectionate smile.

"Before you leave my child I have something to say." I just nods at him signaling him to continue.

"Be confident my child, because confidence is like an umbrella."  I eyed him confusedly making him chuckle.

"Come here child." He said as he motions for me to come at the window and I quickly walks towards him.

"Look down there, as you can see umbrella can't stop the rain but can make the man stands in the rain as long as he wanted to, it's like being confidence, it may not bring success but it gives us power to face any challenges." He advised, his gaze still fixed outside the building.

What does he mean by that? Feeling tired to talk I just bowed my head and walked out side the hokage's office and went straight home to get some rest for our exercise or whatever sensei called it.

I shoot my eyes open as the sound of my alarm clock woke me. Yosh today is the day that I will prove to everyone that I'm a worthy kunoichi throughout this exercise, no matter how simple it may be I still find my self energized at the thought of it. I love challenges.

I lurch towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. Okay I'm doing this every morning so no need to tell this stuff throughout the story.

As I stride outside my room I noticed Sasuke's room were open so I tiptoed toward there. To my dismay the room was empty so I decided to just go downstairs to grab a glass of water.

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