Chapter One

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It was a rainy afternoon when your sister, Jaslene, called you into her room. 

"Bunso, we need to go to America. Our close friends have invited us to their wedding!" Jaslene said with excitement.

["Bunso" means young one.] 

"Who? The Uley's?" you said with confusion. 

"Yes! Emily and Sam are going to get married! I'm so thrilled! You'd better pack your belongings because we're leaving tomorrow!" she quickly started packing.

You and the Uley, Clearwater, Ateara and Black family have been close ever since you were a child. Since your parents were killed trying to save you and your sister, you've always remained with them. Particularly Seth. At the time, you guys were best friends. You always had sleepovers, played together, and ate together. Your friendship with Seth was unbreakable. You and Seth grieved for hours and hugged each other when it was time to move to the Philippines. Because you both refused to let go, the Uley, Clearwater, Ateara and the Black Family assumed Seth had left an imprint on you. You've been living a low life since you and Jaslene left Forks. 

Jaslene had to stay with them because she was too young at the time to care for you. As you moved to the Philippines, Jaslene became a nurse. Jaslene worked both day and night. She wished for you to have the happiest life possible. It was difficult for Jaslene to be a nurse since she was emotionally exhausted, but her attitude brightens whenever she sees you.

As you pack up, you see an old picture of you and Seth playing in the water.

"I wonder if he even remembers me, it's been years since I've seen him. I bet he's taller than me."  As you put back the photo, you continue packing your clothes.

You were scared to go back. When you moved to the Philippines, you were upset, you felt like you've lost everything. You continued to run and run only to discover that you were a shape-shifter, a werewolf shape-shifter. You were fortunate to live on a farm, no one saw you. You were relieved. As a werewolf, you returned to Jaslene. She was shocked because she only knew one female werewolf, and that was Leah. Leah was the only woman known to transform into a werewolf. 


The next day, you and Jaslene head to the airport to fly to Forks. You were anxious, it's been so long since you've had seen them. It's simply a matter of sending letters and receiving letters back. You, too, haven't seen their faces in a while. You were so nervous that you felt like puking. While on the plane, thoughts continued rushing through your head. You kept wondering if they even remembered you.

After an 11-hour flight, you arrived at Forks. You almost forgot how chilly and rainy it was, and how much you had missed it. The Philippines is constantly hot. You despise it so much that you'll only go outside when it's raining.

"Are we going to take a taxi?" You questioned as you gathered your bags as well as your sister's belongings. 

"We'll be picked up by Jacob and Billy. They've also planned a welcome back dinner. I told them they shouldn't since you despise large parties, but I couldn't say no. They're our only Family Bunso, and Seth, your Best Friend, will be there as well!" You gave her a short glance. 

"Really? After all these years, he still remembers me?" you scoffed. 

"Yes, of course! How could he have forgotten about you? You and your best friend were unbreakable and unstoppable. They even believed Seth had left an imprint on you. OR... PERHAPS YOU DID!"You swiftly stopped her from laughing. 

"Are you insane?! Why would I do such a thing?!" you said as you both walked to the Exit. 

They're right there! "The Agnews!" Billy gave a warm chuckle. Both of you hugged them.

"Wow, Jake, you've gotten buff.  When did you Phase?" You said it with your eyes wide open.

As he gazed at his father and he said, "I phased at 16. We'll discuss it later. We should head get back to the house before they think we ditched them." He laughed as he loaded your belongings into the back of the vehicle.

You were puzzled, but you ignore that sentence. Has it been that that long?  you wondered. You look out the car window at how overgrown, muddy, and wet everything is. At Forks, nothing ever gets dry. As you return home, you discover that everything has remained the same since you left. Even your old bike is still parked next to Seth's bike on the wall. This place felt like it was frozen in time. 

As you walked, everyone said, "SURPRISED!" There were decorations for party all over the place. "Hey guys..." you waved as you smiled warmly at everyone. Jaslene, of course, was more overjoyed than I was. She went around hugging and welcoming everyone she saw. I turned around to see The Cullens in the living room. I gasped because I was terrified of them. They've always told the legends about how deadly "The Cold-Ones" are.

"It's fine; they won't hurt us. They've become our family members." Leah said with a friendly smile.

"Glad to meet you," he added as he extended his hand for a handshake. "I apologize for scaring you there." Despite how cold-blooded they are, he smiled warmly.

You looked at Leah to make sure it was ok. "It's fine, I'm grateful to have you in this family," you spoke as you shook his hand. Even though I was still uncertain about accepting this change, I gave them a friendly grin."Who is this person?  I've never met her before ." I looked where Edward was.

"Her name is Bella, and she recently moved here." Edward and Bella got up and walked towards me. Bella extends her hand to shake mine. "It's great to finally meet you, Reyne." Bella smiles warmly towards me. "Is she a human? How, exactly? "with a puzzled expression on your face, you stated.

"Come on, Reyne, let's go to your room." She led you to her old room, saying, "You had a busy day..." 

"Ok... It was nice meeting you..." You responded with a warm smile and walked with Leah.

"Woah, nothing has changed in this room.  Has it been a while?" you looked around

 "It's been eight years, and it's been eight years too long..." Leah said with a gloomy tone. "It's hard for me to think you're a werewolf as well, Reyne. At the very least, I won't be doing this by myself." she smiled and gave me a hug.


You've been eating supper for a while, but you haven't seen Seth yet tonight. You inquire of Leah "What happened to Seth? Since I got here, I haven't seen him. Is he aware that I'm here?" 

Leah stopped what she was doing. "He knows, he's been phasing a lot recently, and he's probably in the woods with the others."

"Do you mind if I go find them?" Everyone was staring at you. "What? Is there a problem?" 

"Are you certain? The majority of them haven't seen you phase yet, and you've just been on level terrain. We live in an area with a lot of rocky terrains." Billy responded.

"I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry about me; I'll be OK " You responded by getting up from your seat. "I'll see you guys later?" you looked back at the dinner table. 

Billy nodded, "We'll be at the bond fire."

 "Wait, I'll follow you." Leah got out of her seat as well.

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