Chapter Two

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"Yeah, sure. I don't much about the forest anyways.." you said as you both ran out of the door, phasing into werewolves.

You and Leah were sprinting up the rocky terrain. You kept tripping and coming close to falling. You were quickly worn out because you weren't use to such rough terrain. At First Beach, you both found the boy's cliff jumping. When the boys turned around, they saw both of you exhausted. You both dropped down, giggling at each other about how exhausted you both were. When you looked up, the boys are laughing along with you. 

"Reyne! I've been missing you badly!" Sam picked you up and hugged you tightly. The boys gathered around you as well.

"How come Seth isn't here?" You asked, "He just leapt off that cliff, and he should be here any minute. Soooo... did you miss him?" Quil said.

 Quil nudged Jared, who was standing near him. "Oh Quil, be quiet." You answered with an annoyed expression.

"Hey, guys!  What exactly is going on here? Did  anyone get hurt?" From afar, Seth yelled out. Seth was exhausted after running up the rocky mountain, and everyone turned around to see him breathing heavily. You and Seth exchanged glances after an eight-year separation. It happened all of a sudden. You both Imprinted on each other.

 It's not the earth holding you here anymore, he does... You become whatever he needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend.

"Reyne!" he said, "Seth!" you responded.

 You both fell to the ground after giving each other a huge hug. Your eyes welled up with tears. "It's been a while. I've missed you so much!" You both laughed, then got up and cleaned your dirt off your jackets. 

Everyone joins in on the giggling. "All right, let's hurry back to the house before it gets too dark," Sam replied, and despite everyone's exhaustion, you all hurried down the hill.


The adults have built a massive bonfire back at the home. They've also given us marshmallows on a stick to enjoy. 

"I'm going to change my sweater because they're dirty." You rushed into your room to fetch some new pants and a sweatshirt. 

You also clean your shoes since it has mud all over it. You tuck your hair into a bun and step outdoors to find everyone seated. You ran up to Seth and sat down next to him, where he handed you a marshmallow and a stick. 

"Thank you," you said with a smile. He winked at you and replied, "No problem." Your cheeks reddened, and you tried to forget what had just happened.

"All right, guys, tell us about the Philippines,"   Billy exchanged glances with Jaslene and me.

 "It's uncomfortably hot there, and I dislike it! We were also lonely because we just had each other. Reyne would only leave the house if it was pouring rain or if I was out shopping. She despised being alone, particularly after we left Forks. She was so upset that she wished she could be with her best friend. She cried for hours, wanting to express her anger. That's when we discovered-" 

"I was a werewolf,  I think they get it Jaslene." As I cut her off, I said. Everyone was laughing. 

"So is it true? Did you and Seth leave an imprint on each other when you were kids?" Embry asked  

"I- Um- Well, you see-" you stuttered.

 " We'd both done it! We actually did when we ran into each other today at the First Beach! We've got both the gravity and, Jacob, how did you say it again? Oh! It's not the earth holding you here anymore, they do... You become whatever they need you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend."  He cut me off and stated it excitedly.

"Yup... He's right..." you said, your face flushed with embarrassment. 

"Aww, you two are so cute!" everyone shouted. 

You've nearly forgotten how childish Seth was but that's why you liked him so much. Since you left Forks, you haven't been around anyone like that. You felt so embarrassed that you got up and walked back to your house. They're still talking about you and Seth, you can hear it as you walked away from them. You went to the fridge and sat at the counter table with an ice tea. You hear the door open to see Seth. 

 "Hey, I'm really sorry about the incident outside. I couldn't stop myself. I needed to get it out of my system!" As he sat on the counter next to you, Seth replied. Your head rested on his shoulder.

 "It's all right; I was too afraid to tell them anyways.  You saved me from having to say something I didn't want to say. Thanks." You smiled at him warmly. In return, he gave you one as well. You rested your head on his shoulder and held his hand. 

"How did we get up separated in the first place?" Seth asked. 

You responded by saying "Everything around us reminded Jaslene of our parents, so she wanted a fresh start for us.  She wanted to be a nurse as well, and she chose the Philippines because our mother was born there. Being in the Philippines was, to be honest, hell. For eight years, I had no friends. All I did to be happy was write you letters. I didn't have a choice so I just joined her. I'm sorry."

"Please don't apologize. You didn't have a choice because we were young. Accept the truth that you've arrived at our house!" He smiled and embraced you with a bear hug.

 "How long are you going to stay here?" With a concerned face, he asked.

 You replied with "I believe I'll be here till after the wedding, but I'll convince Jaslene to keep me here. Of course, I need to get my belongings, but if I can convince Jaslene, I'll stay here."

She entered by the side entrance, by coincidence. "You seem to be catching up as well. I'm sorry if I've jacked up anything while we were outside. I couldn't help myself, Bunso! I haven't seen them since I was eighteen years old! Anyways, how's everything going?" With her hand on her waist.  

"Is it possible for me to live here, Jaslene? I can't possibly let go of Seth now that I've imprinted on him." With a nervous expression on her face, she said,  "You certainly can! What makes you think I'd say no to that? And don't worry about me; I'm capable of looking after myself." As she approached you to hug you, Jaslene said.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it. What's the date of the wedding, by the way? " You questioned her.

"It'll be in two days, so get as much beauty sleep as you can!" she stated as she reached for a glass of water from the refrigerator.

"What about the outfits? You know how much I despise wearing dresses. Also, heels." Jaslene gave me a look before setting the water on the counter table. "Oh please, you'd like the dresses they picked out and you don't need to wear heels anyway." She took my hand and led me to the guest room, which was where the suits and gowns were kept. Seth followed as well

"See? You don't have to be afraid to wear one because it looks wonderful. I'm sure you'd look stunning in this dress." As she caressed my face, Jaslene replied. "I suppose so, Jaslene," you responded. As you walked back to the kitchen, you gave her a side hug.

"I believe they're going to tell us some stories, we should head back" Jaslene stated as she stepped out the side door with the water in her hand.

"Let's head back," Seth said "You wouldn't want to miss it." He smiled and left out the side doors well. You grabbed a blanket and ran out the door to catch up to Seth.

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