this is deffo flirting

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(editor here the first part was kinda sus🤪😳💅)

Noah awoke to violent shaking of his shoulders up and down he cracked open his eyes his head hurt

"Oh you're awake finally!"

"I thought you were sierra so I was waiting at the door with one of your heavy books and accidentally hit you!instead of sierra and then you passed out and well now we're here" Cody explained a big smile on his face

Their position was kind of awkward and suggestive

Cody was sitting on top of Noah with his hands on Noah's chest while Noah was laying down looking tired

"Uh Cody mind getting off?" Noah asked sheepishly

This caused Cody to also realize the suggestive position and he quickly scrambled off blushing furiously he let out a nervous giggle

"Oh yeah their roasting um fish outside so no more slop for dinner" Cody said still sort of blushing he made his way towards the door waiting for Noah

Noah chuckled and got up holding the door open for Cody like the gay gentlemen he is and they walked out only for Cody  to get attacked by sierra

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you Codykins" an audible sigh was heard from Cody as sierra put him on her shoulders and walked towards the fire pit

Noah was then unexpectedly hugged by Dave who wrapped his arms around his neck

"What were you doing with Cody? I was waiting for you" before taking Noah's hand and walking to the fire pit

Noah was confused but decided he didn't care and let it happen until he got looks from some people

A ball of sugar paste hit the back of his head and he turned around to see Ella whistling sweet tunes as if she didn't do anything at all

Free dessert I guess Noah said taking a scoop with his finger

Noah felt uncomfortable as everybody including Cody gave him a look and he gently pulled his hand away from Dave

Dave turned around and looked at Noah eyeing him

"Going to go grab some fish smells pretty good uh- here" Noah smacked some of the sugar paste in Dave's hands and dismissed himself away from him to get a fish to eat

(Pov switch)

Cody watched Dave pull Noah by the hand to go sit down Noah noticed him staring and let go walking away from Dave

Wonder what that's about

Cody thought back to his words he told Dave about Noah just being nervous and not knowing how to show his feelings he felt sad again and as if sierra could see the emotions radiating off of him

"Cody are you okay?" Cody shrugged his shoulders resting his chin on sierras head

He saw Noah raise his eyebrow at him and Cody smirked which made Noah roll his eyes before making eye contact with Cody and walking Back to Dave

Oh okay I see how it is Noah

Both of them knew it was wrong to play with people's emotions but man was it tempting that the two had an unspoken battle on who would break first and crawl back to their friends and come running back you know like friends do

"I'm kind of hungry can we go get a fish?" Sierra nodded and passed Cody a fish with a fork and paper plate

"Thanks sierra" Cody took a bite then took a piece of the fish and fed sierra some she was astonished at the attention and happily took a bite

The two continued sharing food while Cody caught Noah staring again and smirked

Noah rolled his eyes and acted as if he accidentally dropped the sugar paste on his seat and he couldn't sit down because it was sticky

"Whoops" Noah said

"Dave can you stand up?"

"Sure no problem" Dave stood up only to be pulled back down in Noah's lap

"You don't mind do you?" Noah whispered

Dave was shocked and he quickly nodded turning around straddling Noah

Shit not this far

Noah decided to keep it cool and him and Dave just talked Noah not making anymore moves thinking he already won because Cody scoffed gave his fish back to sierra and said he was heading back to his room to sleep

...(ahaha jEaLoUs cOdY)

Dave was really cheery but said he wanted to go to bed now because it was getting late

Noah agreed and they went their seperate ways Noah going to Cody's room he did a light knock hearing a "come in" and opened the door

Cody was completely submerged under his blankets rustling around before poking his head out

His hair was messy from the static and he looked kinda tired cute Noah let the thought pass not even realizing

"What do you want" Cody said sitting up glaring at Noah

"Somebodies salty" Noah teased before sitting on the bed flopping back and laying his head in Cody's Lap staring up at him

"Tsk" Cody pulled the blanket back over his body and shut his eyes

"Cody~" Noah sat up and gently pulled the blanket back down Cody crossed his arms

"Go away you tease too much" Cody said looking up at Noah

"Oh so this is teasing?" Noah said leaning over Cody foreheads almost touching

Cody grinned and shoved Noah off while blushing

"Yes that's exactly what it is"Cody said rolling over in his blanket now he is a caterpillar

"Okay how about this?" Noah was letting his playful side come out and he started tickling Cody who laughed and squirmed under him trying to unravel from his blankets

Cody jabbed Noah in the stoumache which made Noah yelp and move back blocking Cody from attacking further

"This is a tickle fight not puncture my ribs fight" Noah said grabbing one of the blankets

"Sorry-mph!" Cody was covered by the blanket again wrapped In a cacoon and Noah wrapped his arms around him

"No escaping now" Noah said with a genuine playful smile on his face

Cody giggled then yawned and just shut his eyes

Noah didn't move either instead he cuddled Cody more and they both fell asleep there

(I had to edit this 3 times because he kept changing it before deciding the main thing would happen next chapter ☹️ anyways there's 3 more drafts that I saw after this I'm in for a night 🤔 - your favourite editor that barely talks on here)

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