leave us alone

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(Dave is a bitchy bitchy boy)

Everybody met at the fire pit

Noah didn't really care who got voted out tonight him and Cody had immunity

Maybe it would  be unfortunate if Owen got voted out but he's a fan favourite no worries there

"Who voted for Cody? Nevermind it doesn't matter he's immune" Chris said laughing at the waste of a vote

"And there's one vote on Noah guys you can't for players that are immune it gets throwing the trash"

"And a vote on Dave who is also immune" Chris was irritated by that point

"Alright here's the people who are IMMUNE and safe"

"Noah,Cody ,Dave , Owen,Gwen,Courtney,Cameron , sierra,Brody,Leshawna,beth,Lindsay,Justin

And the couple going home tonight is.."

"Now wait a minute COUPLE you didn't say it was another double elimination!"Leshawna protested because Harold wasn't declared safe

"No I didn't heather and Harold please meet me by the rocket because you two refused to dance together actually most of the votes were on Harold but eh Heather got 3 since they're not immune to them"

"Oh whatever" heather kept her head held high while she went on the rocket Harold just moped all the there and we're blasted off into the states


"How much you wanna bet sierra voted for me" Noah said to his group of friends

"Oh nothing at all she totally voted for you because you swooned Cody" Izzy said standing on Owens shoulders

Cody blushed a little and sheepishly grabbed Noah's hand which he gladly held back

While walking to the fire pit they saw sierra balling her eyes out squeezing the life out of Cameron while Gwen tried to comfort her

"My Codykins was stolen from me! BAWAHWA"

(shut up sierra 😒)

"Sierra maybe he didn't get well stolen did you ever think that maybe he's not into girls?" Gwen said trying to reassure sierra that it wasn't her fault

"Says you Gwen he was googling you the first 2 seasons and you know it!" Sierra blew her nose into Cameron's sweater and he made a disgusted face

"Well he was 16 when that happened sierra you know maybe he explored..?"

"Explored? Like his se- ARE YOU SAYING CODY IS GAY" Sierra squealed dropping Cameron and he scrambled away

"Uh.. yeah yeah!" Gwen nodded her head up and down really fast

"Oh my god Gwen" Cody face palmed and took Noah to the beach where the studio was instead

...(lol bi sexual Cody)

Noah hadn't thought about that Cody could very well be straight nobody knew his sexuality nobody really asked him because they all thought he liked girls after the Gwen incident and being the 'ladies man'

Noah's heart sank abit while Cody sat down on one of the swivel chairs by a mirror what's the harm in asking?

"Cody about what Gwen said ddi you ever figure out your sexuality?" Noah asked secretly hoping

"Oh- well.. if I had to put a label on it I'd have to say bi-curious I've never actually um well I have with you but I don't know if it counts.." Cody was fiddling with his fingers

"What us kissing?" Noah wanted confirmation and he was going to get it

"Yeah" Cody squeaked out he used his arms to spin the chair in a circle and he continued doing that

Noah grabbed Cody's chair and stopped it infront of him "I don't know I think they count and if they don't this can" Noah said in a low voice but was looking for consent

Cody blinked rapidly and his mouth was left agape

Noah groaned about to pull away until Cody grabbed his shirt and tugged him closer and down into a rough kiss

Noah kissed back tapping Cody's leg telling him to jump Cody complied

Noah carried Cody still kissing him into a fitting room and sat down Cody straddling him using tongue they started making out

Noah gave Cody some hickeys making him squirm and whine but otherwise he liked it

"Noah you in here?" Was heard echoing in the studio

Noah pulled away and his eyebrows furrowed he put a finger to his lips standing up and silently cussing to himself

"Dave what do you want?" Noah said irritated that Dave had interrupted his make out session

"Oh just I didn't see you at the fire pit what are you doing here?" Dave asked trying to follow Noah's voice

"Jerking off, I would've came back later you know?"Ofcourse Noah was joking and Cody had to cover his mouth from laughing

Dave apparently took this as an invitation because once he saw Noah his hair was messy and his face was red so it did imply something

Dave proceeded to push Noah against the wall and start kissing him until Noah shoved him off

"Dude what the hell!" Noah said wiping his mouth

(Ew getting kissed by Dave 🤢)

Dave was stunned at Noah's reaction they were alone? Why didn't he want this

"What do you mean you like me right?" Dave asked coming closer

"Can't you take a damn hint Dave Im not interested! I've pushed you off me so many times I didn't mind being friends but you don't stop trying!" Noah spat walking past him

Dave grabbed his wrist and stopped him from leaving

"But you have me signs!" Dave protested

"Like what Dave?" Noah said rolling his wrist out of Dave's grasp

"The kiss on the couch!"

"I didn't kiss you back I left"

"You always let me sit in your lap!"

"It takes me forever to get you off because you refuse to get up"

"But the fire pit you pulled me into your lap" Dave had tears pricking his eyes

Cody remembered that too shit Cody opened the fitting room door and stood beside Noah

Noah didn't expect Cody to come out as all his hickeys were bright reds and purples on his light skin

Dave saw this and put two and two together Noah was here alone with Cody not him

"It's his fault you know! He's getting between us"Dave said accusingly pointing a finger at Cody

"You can dream I liked him before this sea-" Noah cut himself off realizing what he just said

Dave ran off tears streaming down his face not wanting to hear more of the rejection

Noah didn't face  Cody instead he grabbed his wrist and put him back infront of the mirror and grabbed some foundation

Not making eye contact with Cody he covered up the hickeys and walked out of the studio going to his room


Noah likes me?

(Ahaha 💅 fuck you Dave pick me boy clingy asshole sob story nobody likes you go kiss that bat)

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