play pretend

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(okay so I did forget about Sammy😭✋ so let's "play pretend" 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 and act as if she was never in this book )

Noah walked out of his room a little more tired than usual because of the kiss from last night where Cody barged into his room at 2am worth it Noah smiled to himself

He gets shoved into his door that wasn't closed yet so he fell down and somebody fell on top of him

Dave blushed and laughed "Sorry meant to hug you not tackle you to the ground"

Noah was starting to grow used to this after the many times Dave has tried to get closer to him that includes sitting in his lap

He sat up more and Dave put his knees on either side of Noah "anyways good morning"

Noah found the ridiculousness of the situation pretty humorous and let out a light chuckle

Cody stepped out of his room and immediately saw Dave all over Noah
Cody slammed his door too hard and Noah and Dave looked over

"Hi Cody" Dave said winking at him oh so he is doing this on purpose Cody thought he waved at them averting his eyes from Noah and walked out to the fire pit to sit beside Cameron

"I saw them if you want reassurance Dave totally tackled Noah" Cameron said while they walked to the cafeteria

"Good to know" as a smile creeped it's way back on Cody's face


Noah finally got Dave to stand up and they went to the cafeteria together with Owen and Harold

Noah saw Cody in line with Cameron trying to squeeze by heather and Courtney having a screaming match

"Isn't it too early for this?"Noah interrupted "I told her that but she INSISTS I'm the one who took her phone" heather said

"Wouldn't be surprised" Cody said grabbing three croissants from over the counter while Ella tried to get the girls to stop fighting

"What a bad boy Cody" Noah said when he saw what Cody did

Cody put a finger to his lips and tilted his head to the back table

Noah grabbed a few drinks and stepped out of line to go with Cody

Dave was going to follow but Ella interrupted him and kept him at the counter

Noah and Cody sat down beside eachother and Cody leaned his head on Noah's shoulder

"I was up until 4am last night I could hear Sierra still stalking around the place" Cody said yawning handing Noah a croissant

"Says the one who woke me up at 2am for a kiss" Noah snickered suddenly Cody was very awake and aware

"About that.. do you think maybe you can help me again? Sierra didn't see.." Cody said mumbling through his words eating his croissant

"Wow are you asking to kiss me again?" Noah teased leaning down to face Cody

Cody was blushing before slightly nodding

This indeed made Noah abit flustered as he was about to lean in Owen picked him up and gave him a big hug deliberately crushing him

"Owen put me down!" Noah choked out when Owen did put him back down he was gasping for air

"Sorry Noah" Owen laughed and pushed them aside and sat to Noah's left

Dave came with Cameron and they sat across from Noah Owen and Cody

Cody was kinda annoyed that Owen totally cockblocked him at another kiss with Noah but decided not to say anything or try again now that Dave was here


Cameron and Cody were hiding in a bush shushing eachother as Sierra ran by them

"Can't she leave us alone for 5 minutes" Cody said sighing and resting in the bush

"Apparently not but that idea of yours of sierra seeing you kiss somebody else seems smart" Cameron said bringing back the idea of kissing Noah

"Ugh..Owen totally cockblocked me at the cafeteria this morning"Cody groaned

Cameron started laughing at Cody "I saw that pretty sure Dave did too"

"Dave saw us?"Cody said suddenly bolting upwards and looking towards Cameron

"I didn't see his reaction but he was walking right beside me when Owen picked Noah up" Cameron explained

The both of them heard a rustling noise and suddenly Izzy dropped hanging upside down from a tree

"Wow Cody I was right you do like Noah"Izzy dropped down in the bush with them

"How long were you sitting in there?" Cody said shocked that ofcourse another person was listening in on their conversation

"Yep I made a bet with Owen he thinks Dave likes Noah but that you also like Noah"Izzy said

"Oh that's why you didn't want Dave to see-" Cameron said putting the pieces together

"Seriously Noahs been trying to get Dave to take the hint so many times" Izzy said giggling

"Guess we're in the same boat sierra won't leave me alone either saying we're going to get married one day" Cody said rolling his eyes

"You and Noah should just become a couple it'd get both of them off your backs" Izzy said before running away from.. FUCK SIERRA

Cody and Cameron attempted to run sadly Cameron saw it was either both of them or one of them so he ran the other way and got Sierra to go after him

Thank Cameron later find Noah


Cody barged into Noah's room to see Dave creeping on top of him Noah scrambled to get up but hit the back of his head board

Cody ran up to them pushed Dave off before grabbing Noah's hand and pulling him outside

"I need to talk to you don't question me until we're hidden" Cody ordered and Noah just followed

They went towards the studio on the beach and hid in a dressing room where there's no Cameras

"Thanks for that" Noah said rubbing the back of his neck

Cody started laughing and mumbled something about two cockblock in one day but Noah didn't know what he was talking about

"What did you need anyways that you dragged me all the way out here" Noah said sitting on the bench inside the room

Cody's face lit up then looked nervous then started blushing out of the embarrassing question he wanted to ask

"K so remember the sierra thing yeah well now I need you to help me" Cody started while Noah crossed his arms listening

"And uh Izzy proposed that we could maybe um.. fake date?"

"We don't really have to be boyfriends but can you act like it so Sierra will leave me alone" Cody said burning up more

"You know that might just give Dave the hint that I'm not interested either" Noah said thinking about it

Cody crossed his fingers behind his back

"Well I guess it can be our own game of play pretend sure"

(Okay OKAY! Waiting for my editor to wake up

(Okay she woke up were good)

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