Chapter 14

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Winona despised the emptiness of the apartment. With one less body to fill the space, she couldn't stand being there. All she could do was sit on her bedroom floor in her oversized t-shirt and tight rib-knit shorts when she returned without Yemaja. It was once littered with Yemaja's toys, but now the floor was completely free of mess. The dressers that her clothes occupied had been cleared out, and the closet where her small winter coat hanged only consisted of her own clothing.

Savanna watched with a heavy heart as Winona cried on the bedroom floor, grieving the departure of her sister. Nasha Solomon had picked her up from Kyrie's house right after the conclusion of the farewell party. Colt and Maddox didn't understand why the adults were so emotional, but they knew they were losing a friend that day.

Savanna looked down at the blanket in her hand. She had found it wedged between the couch cushions on her way in. While Winona went straight to the bedroom, Savanna and Immanuel lingered in the living room. After an hour of her absence, Savanna decided it was time to check on her. That was the reason for her standing in the hallway while Winona wept.

"I have something for you," Savanna said, cautiously entering the bedroom. She didn't feel right stepping into the space. It was sacred, and she didn't want to ruin Winona's image of it.

But when Winona simply forced a smile and held her hand out to Savanna, she took it as an invitation to join her on the floor. Savanna draped the blanket around Winona's shoulders and rubbed her back comfortingly.

"I hope Nasha loves the hell out of her." Winona pulled the blanket into her lap and ran her hand over the soft fabric. "I don't know what I'll do without her."

"You have to keep moving," Savanna told her. "Yemi wouldn't want to see you hurting like this. I don't want to see that. You deserve something good after the year you've had."

"Is Immanuel still here?"

Savanna nodded. "Do you want me to go get him?"

"Not yet," Winona responded, shaking her head. "I can't face him."

"You were with him all day, babes. Don't act shy now."

"I suggested we get married," she confessed to Savanna. It earned a gasp. "I was losing Yemi. We were having... a moment. With my emotions all over the place, I had no idea what I was saying."

"A moment? And what exactly happened in this moment?"

Winona pressed her lips together.

"Tell me," Savanna demanded.

"Vanna, it's not important."

"Did you sleep with him?" she questioned Winona.

Winona immediately felt her cheeks grow warm. "Keep it down! The door is wide open."

Ignoring her request, Savana asked in her normal volume, "How did this even happen?"

"I told you. I was emotional. It was bad timing on my part."

"But you don't just suggest marriage in the heat of the moment," she said, grimacing. "What's the deal with you two? Does this mean you're friends with benefits, or are you getting back together?"

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