Chapter one The Barn

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^^^ Clair^^^

Nobody likes waking up to someone hovering over you, but today was different. It was Wednesday, the sun was still asleep, and a light breeze rustled through the trees. "Clair! Clair! Wake up! Hurry!" I rolled my eyes, and got up. Brooke insisted that we wear our clothes to sleep. Brooke is my twin sister, so I have to do whatever she says. I put in my boots and looked at Brooke. She was wearing the same thing as me, just different colors. I was wearing a long sleeved, sky blue, blouse and black jeans. Brooke's blouse was mint green, and her jeans were brown with black boots. I went over to the window and Brooke and I slowly slid it open. The cool fall air hit our faces, and made the floors creak. We looked down. Two stories is a long fall. One wrong move, and we could get caught. We grabbed hold of the roof, and carefully stepped down. Once safe in the ground, we silently ran towards the woods, and didn't stop until we were far from the house. The woods were muggy, compared to the open air by the field. We were headed to the old barn, there, we would meet up with the rest of our group. Our group was called M.H.O.B.S. mysteries, histories, and other boring stuff. But a new name needed to be decided on. After a few minuets of walking in silence, we arrived at the old barn. "You made it!" Tiffany said, as we approached. Tiffany, Tiff for short, was ten, and was a blond, haired brainiac. She knew everything! (Except how to name a group.) Emily came up behind Tiff and smiled. Emily was a shy, black haired little girl of six. She loved the color orange, and her favorite animal was a monkey. "Nice to see you again!" Brooke waved. "Ya, it's been a while." I added. "Glad your here, at the third official team M.H.O.B.S. Meting!" Tiff announced. "Um, Tiffany? Can we pick a new name?" Emily asked softly. "Fine." Tiff breathed, "any ideas?" "Well," I started " I was thinking, we could call ourselves the..." I stopped as soon as I heard Brooke gasp, and Emily grab me. Tiff's stiff hand covered my mouth, as I followed my friends gaze. What I saw, made me feel numb.

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