Chapter 3 The secret

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I stared into his eyes. They were so bright. I wished I could look into them forever. But then I saw Brooke. she was staring into them to. Wait... Never mind, they're double. They're twins. His name was Matthew. So, Brook and I found out that we liked twins. I could tell the difference right away, Matthew's eyes sparkled. Of course, anyone would be scared out of their mind, if a random person grabbed them and pushed them into a bush. I was, until I heard a comforting and sweet voice whisper, "it's gona be okay. Just stay still and quiet." I wasn't going anywhere! As soon as I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. I could still hear it beating as Em. waved her hand in front of my face. "Snap out of it!" She urged, "we've gotta get out of here!" I heard footsteps nearing, and I started freaking out again, until Matthew tugged my hand, reminding me that he was there. We took off. As we raced past the trees and stumbled over the brush I noticed that two other boys had joined us. They look about Emily and Tiffany's age. I tripped, but was caught by you know who. 'No time for that." I thought to myself. We continued to run. Ahead, I saw what looked like a wall covered in vines. As we got closer I stared to slow, not wanting to run into the wall, but Matthew kept running. We ran straight though the wall, and that's when I realized it wasn't a wall at all! It was simply loose vines. As soon as we were all save inside, I sat down to take a breather. "This day could not get any weirder!" I smiled at Matthew, but his face was serious. "I wouldn't be so sure of that." My smile faded as Matthew pulled out a map. It was the same map the men were holding. I gasped. Thoughts raced through my mind. "Wait, who are you guys?" Brooke asked. The boys introduced themselves.

• Julian - 15 - Brooke and my age
• Matthew - Julian's twin
• Isaac - 13 - one year older than Emily
• Landon - 14 - one year older than Tiff

Matthew began to explain our situation to us. We were all freaked out, but we knew what we had to do.

Sorry we are so inactive. We will try to update quicker ;) for now, go read katekiwi 's book The Girl with Eagle Wings.

TTFN - Kate

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